The Sánchez-Delgado Research Group at Brooklyn College

  • Dipankar’s son Daksh was born on New Year’s Day!

  • Minfeng Fang defended his PhD Thesis and became Dr. Fang on January 16.

  • Antonio Sánchez left the group to become R&D Chemist at Air Liquide/Voltaix, New Jersey in February.

  • Prof. Sánchez-Delgado presented an invited lecture “Ruthenium-based chemotherapies for tropical diseases” organized by the ACS Student Members of the Chemistry Department of Hostra University on March 20.

  • Cyril Abraham presented a talk at the 61st ACS Undergraduate Conference at City College (April 27), and a Poster at Brooklyn College’s Science Day (May 10) on “Studies on The Mechanism of Action of Ruthenium-Clotrimazole Complexes Effective Against Leismaniasis And Chagas Disease”

  • Jesús Estrada’s Poster “New Anti-malarial Agents Targetting Plasmodium falciparum Dihydroorotate Hehydrogenase (PfDHODH)” was awarded 1st Prize in the Graduate Division on Brooklyn College Science Day, May 10.

  • Atif Ahmed graduated in May and was appointed Flavor Chemist in Training at Virginia Dare Company in Brooklyn.

  • Dimitryi Vovchok graduated in May and is now pursuing a PhD in Chemistry at SUNY Stony Brook

  • Jesus defended his thesis and was awarded the M.S. degree in Chemistry Summa Cum Laude in July.

  • Milana Sapozhnikov and Oscar Abramovich joined the group as summer interns. Milana continues to work with us in the fall.

  • During the summer we moved to our new lab in the 4th floor!

  • Flavia Barragan and Qunsheng Guo joined the group

  • Alberto Martínez left the group to become Assistant Professor at the Chemistry Department of the New York City College of Technology of CUNY