The City University of New York
                             BROOKLYN COLLEGE
                             Department of Chemistry


Fall, 1998

Week   Date     Topic

 1          9/2     Introductory Topics on Structure & Bonding:
                        Bond angles, bond lengths, configuration,
                        conformation,  electronegativity, dipole moment,
                        H-bonds, complexes, bond energies, thermochemistry,
                        solvation, kinetics, isotope effects, LFER's,
                        reaction coordinate diagrams.

 2          9/9     Acidity and Basicity

 3          9/16   Nucleophilic Substitution at Saturated Carbon

 4          10/7   Anchimeric Assistance, Carbonium Ion Rearrangements

 5          10/14  Anchimeric Assistance, Carbonium Ion Rearrangements

 6          10/21  Esterification and Hydrolysis

 7          10/28  Elimination Reactions

 8          11/4    MIDTERM EXAMINATION

 9          11/11   Addition Reactions

10          11/18  Aromaticity, Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution

11          11/25  Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution

12          12/2    Radical Reactions

13          12/9    Pericyclic Reactions

14          12/16   Photochemistry

Reference Books

     Jerry March, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Wiley-Interscience,
4th Ed., 1992.

     T. H. Lowry & K. S. Richardson, Mechanism and Theory in
Organic Chemistry, Harper & Row, 3rd Ed., 1987.

     F. A. Carey & R. J. Sundberg, Advanced Organic Chemistry,
Plenum, Third Ed., 1990.