"METOPE" refers to the area in the entablature of Doric order architecture between the triglyphs (stone panel with three vertical ridges).

METOPEs could be painted and/or sculpted in relief. The square or rectangular shape usually called for a "snapshot" image, with only a few figures, that could be seen and recognized from a distance.

Example of a metope in situ

FRIEZES are relief sculpture found in the entablature of Ionic order architecture, such as the Archaic temple of Athena Nike on the acropolis in Athens (right). Friezes are ideal for images such as battles or processions that can be depicted in long narrow registers.

The PEDIMENT is the triangular shaped area of the entablature above the area where the frieze or metopes and triglyphs are found. The shape of the pediment created special problems, specifically, what to do with the corner areas. As we will see, sculptors came up with an ingenious solution to satisfy the requirements of scale and of the pediment shape.