Laocoön (Vatican Museum)

Virgil's AENEID, Book II

Narrative Arrangement of Books I-IV

You may compare the narrative structure of Aeneid 1-4 -- a banquet in which a guest tells of his (mis)adventures enroute from a war homeward (here to found a new homeland) -- with Odyssey 9-12.

Book I

Book IV

the temptation created by Dido

Bks II - III

Aeneas' narrative of his journey and destiny

Book I may be divided into three narrative sections:

A. The deception of the Greeks and the reception of the Trojan Horse into the city

B. Aeneas' vain struggle to defend the city against the Greek invader

C. How Aeneas succeeds in escaping the flames of Troy with his father, his son, and their household gods.
