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1. At the beginning of the Apology Sokrates states that he must first defend himself against his first accusers. Which of the following accusations did they make?
Sokrates studies things in the sky and beneath the earth he makes the worse into the stronger argument he teaches his doctrines to others all of the above
2. In response to a question from Sokrates' student Chaerephon, the oracle of Apollo at Delphi declared that
Sokrates was fated to die the Athenians should follow Sokrates' teachings no one was wiser than Sokrates Sokrates had failed to worship the traditional gods
3. As a result of his questioning of politicians, poets, and craftsmen, Sokrates concluded that
they knew far more than he did everyone should pursue the occupation for which he or she is best suited his own wisdom consisted in realizing that he was ignorant Athens was a center of various kinds of expert knowledge
4. Sokrates says to Meletus: ". . .if I believe in divine activities I must quite inevitably believe in divine beings." (27d) Sokrates is trying to show that
Meletus' accusation of atheism is inconsistent with his other accusations everyone must fear the vengeance of the gods the people of Athens should follow Sokrates' teachings it is futile to argue about the nature of gods and goddesses
5. Sokrates compares the Athenians to a sluggish horse and himself to a horsefly (gadfly). The point of the comparison is that
the Athenians need more competitive spirit the god has placed Sokrates in Athens to awaken the Athenians the Athenians should make Sokrates their political leader no one should take Sokrates too seriously
6. Sokrates quotes Thetis' statement to Achilles in Iliad 18 that Achilles' own death will come soon after Hektor's, in order to show that
a great deal has changed since the time of Homer the gods and goddesses will always protect those who are just no one should be deterred by fear of death from doing what is right anger can cause the death of even a great hero
7. According to Sokrates the Athenians should strive, above all,
to honor all the gods and goddesses to reward teachers of philosophy to treat citizens and foreigners equally and considerately to make their souls as good as possible
8. Sokrates states that he has never taken part in politics because
he believes that politicians are evil a divine voice told him not to he wished to devote time to his studies he disagreed with the policies of the party in power
9. After the verdict, both the prosecution the defense proposed punishments. Sokrates' proposal was
free meals at public expense voluntary exile a heavy financial penalty death by drinking hemlock
10. In the last of his three speeches, Sokrates states that death
is terrible and must be postponed at all costs brings reward to the virtuous and punishment to the wicked shows the insignificance of human life brings either oblivion or continued existence in Hades
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