I encourage you to make an appointment to see me, especially if you are having difficulty understanding the material, if you are unsure of what is expected of you, or if you would like additional resources for a topic you find interesting. Try to do this well before the exams and paper due-dates, as this is usually much more enjoyable and productive for everybody involved. Please see me after you have done the reading and consulted the study guide; come with as specific questions as you can. |
Classical Cultures is an introductory study of ancient
through close reading of a variety of texts. This section focuses
on Greece and Rome. We will pay particular attention to such
questions as literary genre, material and performance contexts, gender,
political institutions, religion, philosophy, models of culture and the
creation of a classical tradition. Students will practice close
reading and communication by means of critical writing, class
discussion and other methods, such as collaborative group work. Core Curriculum common goals addressed by this course:
To the end of accomplishing these objectives, we will work together to create a community of learning and intellectual debate. With a view to fostering this community
Click here to find out how college-level critical thinking skills (addressed by most of the course learning objectives) will be assessed in this course. |
TEXTBOOKS: you should purchase all of the following books at the beginning of the semester; you MUST use the translation listed for this section in the BC Bookstore, though you may purchase the books elsewhere. |
1) In-class writing, quizzes, participation 15%:
2) Exams 45%:
3) Writing assignments 40%:
The Brooklyn College Learning Center (1300 Boylan Hall) provides trained tutors to assist students needing help with their writing assignments, by appointment only. |
4) Extra-Credit Option:
98-100 A+ |
93-97 A |
90-92 A- |
88-89 B+ |
83-87 B |
80-82 B- |
78-79 C+ |
73-77 C |
70-72 C- |
68-69 D+ |
63-67 D |
60-62 D- |
BELOW 60 F |
I adhere rigorously to the Brooklyn College policy on academic integrity. Students who cheat on quizzes or exams or who plagiarize material for papers will be reported to the Undergraduate Academic Integrity Official and will fail (0%) the quiz, test, or paper. |
The faculty and administration of Brooklyn College support an environment free from cheating and plagiarism. Each student is responsible for being aware of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism and for avoiding both. The complete text of the CUNY Academic Integrity Policy and the Brooklyn College procedure for implementing that policy can be found at this site: If a faculty member suspects a violation of academic integrity and, upon investigation, confirms that violation, or if the student admits the violation, the faculty member MUST report the violation.
Brooklyn College adheres to the
New York State policy on non-attendance for religious reasons. If
you must miss a class for religious observance, you should let the
professor know a reasonable amount of time in advance to allow for an
appropriate make-up opportunity. Make-up opportunities may be
scheduled before the absence. |