Classical Cultures

Self-Quiz: Thucydides 1.66-78

Select the correct answer to each of the following questions by clicking on the appropriate button. Check your score by clicking on the "Calculate Your Score" button at the bottom of the page.

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1. According to Thucydides, the Corinthian complaints about Athenian aggression included

Athenian blockade of Potidaea
Athenians attacks on Corinth
Athenian attacks on Corinthian ships
monopolizing Black Sea trade routes

2. According to Thucydides' version of the Corinthian delegates' speech, whom did the Corinthians blame for unchecked Athenian aggression?

the Athenian allies

3. (According to the speech Thucydides records) what is the Corinthian delegates' most important critique of Spartan practice?

their impulsiveness
their failure to build a fleet
their slowness to act
their love of luxury

4. (According to the speech Thucydides records) what do the Corinthians claim is the reason for the failure of the Persian invasion?

Athenian ships, generals, and courage
the mistaken policy of the Persians themselves
the unstoppable Spartan infantry
the cooperative effort of Athens and Sparta

5. (According to the speech Thurcydides records) what do the Athenian representatives claim is the reason for the failure of the Persian invasion?

Athenian ships, generals, and courage
the mistaken policy of the Persians themselves
the unstoppable Spartan infantry
the cooperative effort of Athens and Sparta

6. Which of the following best describes the way the Corinthians' speech describes Athenian character?

foolhardy, ill-prepared, and disorganized
cruel, unreasonable, and not overly intelligent
cautious, deliberate, and non-aggressive
innovative, decisive, and willing to take risks

7. What is the main purpose of the Corinthians' speech?

to delay the war as long as possible
to inform their allies of the most recent developments
to motivate Sparta to act on Corinth's behalf
to praise the greatness of Corinth

8. What is the main purpose of the Athenian reply?

to disprove the Corinthian claim that Athens beseiged Potidea
to try to draw Sparta into an alliance with them
to discourage Sparta from getting involved in the squabble between Athens and Corinth
to try to pacify the Corinthians

9. In what respect do the Athenians claim they have done nothing contrary to human nature?

they have consistently acted according to their best judgment of right and wrong
they fell into an empire (so to speak) and are now unwilling to give it up
they said they were sorry; what more do the Spartans want?
they have only and always acted out of self-defense against their stronger neighbors

10. What is the most important aim that Thucydides accomplishes by including this set of paired speeches?

he characterizes the two principal combatants in the war he is about to narrate
he clarifies for his readers the real reason for the war
he justifies the Corinthian complaints
he records the words of important men for posterity

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