P. Currah's Core 3 Section
Brooklyn College of the City University of New York

Review your midterm multiple choice questions

This part of the exam was worth 25%. The first ten questions were worth two points each; the last five questions (11-15) were worth one point each. The median grade on this part of the exam was 14.5. All the questions covered material explicitly discussed in class.


1. Choose the right answer by clicking the button. You can change your mind simply by clicking on a different button.

2. Check your score by clicking on the "Calculate Your Score" button at the bottom of the page. The questions you missed are displayed below your score. The questions you did not answer are listed, in order, as "undefined."

3. Try the questions you missed again.  Recompute your score by clicking on the "Calculate Your Score" button again.

1. When examining how all Americans are doing economically, which of the following is the most important indicator?

A. average family income.
B. gross national product.
C. median family income.
D. capital-income growth.

2. During the 1989-94 period:

A. income inequality grew
B. the income of the top 5% of the population grew
C. the income of the bottom 95% of the population declined
D. all of the above

3. The only type(s) of family that experienced income growth over the 1980s was:

A. young families.
B. minority families.
C. married couples.
D. both A and C.

4. When looking at incomes over time, it is important to look at "real" dollars because:

A. It is important to adjust for inflation over time.
B. Fake money can't buy food.
C. It doesn't matter was $100 was worthy twenty years ago.
D. both B and C.

5. From 1972 to 1984, the value in real dollars of the AFDC and food stamps provided by the states to a family of four:

A. increased.
B. decreased.
C. stayed about the same.
D. no idea.

6. Which of the following is caused the federal government to institute AFDC and social insurance?

A. unemployment reaching 25%.
B. the stock market crash of 1929
C. local welfare departments and charities ran out of money.
D. all of the above

7. Republican President Richard Nixon proposed a bill that would have:

A. penalized women who had more children when they were on welfare.
B. replaced AFDC with a guaranteed annual income.
C. put a lifetime limit on the amount of welfare one could receive.
D. both A and C.

8. Since 1970:

A. adjusted for inflation, the minimum wage has gone down.
B. the minimum wage has gone up.
C. increases in the minimum wages have kept up with inflation.
D. Both A and B.

9. The author is this statement -- "charity is under obligation not to promote a selection of the unfit" -- was:

A. a Marxist.
B. somebody who believed in Social Darwinism.
C. Jane Addams.
D. Probably unemployed.

10. The "third dimension of power" refers to:

A. the mobilization of bias.
B. the ability to wield power in a head-to-head conflict.
C. excluding people from participating in decisions that affect them.
D. the conceptions and ideas that may advance the interests of the dominant group.

11. Since July 17, 1998, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has:

A. gone up.
B. gone down.
C. stayed the same.
D. no idea.

12. The Republican Party's candidate for U.S. Senate in New York is:

A. Chuck Schumer.
B. George Pataki.
C. Alfonse D'Amato.
D. Peter Vallone.

13. The Democratic Party's candidate for U.S. Senate in New York is:

A. Chuck Schumer.
B. George Pataki.
C. Mark Green.
D. Peter Vallone.

14. According to Alan Greenspan, when unemployment goes down:

A. inflation goes up.
B. inflation goes down.
C. the Federal Reserve should consider raising interest rates.
D. both A and C.

15. The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives is:

A. Newt Gingrich.
B. Al Gore.
C. Peter Vallone.
D. Dick Gephardt.

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The JavaScript code for this quiz was modified from code written by Timothy Shortell.
Paisley Currah
Department of Political Science
Brooklyn College of the City University of New York
2900 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11210
Copyright © 1997, 1998 by Paisley Currah
Revised -- 12/08/98