CORE 4: Pedagogy in the Urban Classroom


Revised Course Outline


Contexts of Urban Schooling

 1)  Public Education and Progressivism

2)  Culture(s) and Institutions

3)  Racial Identities and Education

4)  Multilingualism and Multiculturalism


Culture and the Institution of Schooling

 1)  Common Culture and Diverse Populations

2)  Language and Culture

3)  Schools and Socio-cultural Expectations

4)  Schools and Socio-economic Mobility


Language of Teaching

 1)  Controlling Metaphors: Teacher Images

2)  History of Teaching: Professional Narratives

3)  Teaching and Research

4)  Discourse of Teaching


Students and Classrooms

 1)  Developmental Teaching and Learning Frames

2)  Experience and Education

3)  Gender, Race, Class, Ethnicity

4)  Language and Representation



 1)  Disciplines and Interdisciplinary Knowledge

2)  Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the Urban School

3)  Cultural Literacy and Multicultural Knowledge

4)  Content and Assessment


Teacher Performance

 1)  Curriculum Theory and Practice

2)  Scientific, Aesthetic and Ethical Practice

3)  Institutional Roles and Responsibilities