J.L.Lemke On-line Office

Education 62.03: Curriculum and Teaching in the Middle School (Mathematics and Science)

Course Topics Outline

1. Curriculum and Teaching: Resources for Critical Reflection

2. Standards vs. Values: from Mass Production to Education for being Human

3. Esthetics and the Humanities as Explorations in Human Values

4. The Two Cultures and their Dialogue

Why Math/Science and Arts/Humanities went their separate ways

What Math/Science has to say to Arts/Humanities

What Arts/Humanities has to say to Math/Science

5. Experiential Models for Learning Science and Mathematics

6. Esthetic Models of Learning and Teaching for Mathematics and Science

7. Design as the Meeting Place of Mathematics, Science, and Esthetics

8. The Role of the Visual in Mathematics and Science

9. Esthetics in the Languages of Mathematics, Science, Teachers, and Students


Course Readings: [1-7 are in Course Packet, Part I; the others will be distributed separately]

1. Wechsler, J. Ed. 1978. On aesthetics in science. Introduction

2. Einstein, A. 19 . Letter to Jacques Hadamard.

3. Poincare, H. 1908. "Mathematical reasoning" in The Foundations of Science.

4. Papert, S. 1978. "The Mathematical unconscious" in Wechsler, Ed.

5. Gruber, H. 1978. "Darwin's Tree of Nature" in Wechsler, Ed.

6. Kohn, D. 1996. "The Aesthetic Construction of Darwin's Theory" in Tauber, Ed.

7. John-Steiner, V. 1985. "Visual Thinking" in Notebooks of the Mind.

8. Root-Bernstein, R. 1996. "The sciences and arts share a common creative aesthetic" in Tauber, ed., pp. 49-82.

9. Faxon, A. 1996. "Intersections of art and science to create aesthetic perception" in Tauber, ed., pp. 251-266.

10. Ulam, S. From: Adventures of a Mathematician, pp. 18-55.

11. Lemke, J.L. 1990. Talking Science: Language, Learning, and Values. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing. 1990. [ pp. 129-137, on the norms of science discourse]

12. Lemke, J.L. 1994. "The Missing Context in Science Education: Science." [available on this website]

We will also read a selection from CP Snow's The Two Cultures, on the lack of communication between math/science vs. arts/humanities