
Dissertation: "Proton-Antiproton Scattering Near Threshold"

Professional Experience:

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

                    2002 -      Professor, School of Education, Department of Educational Studies

City University of New York 

Graduate School and University Center

Brooklyn College, School of Education

Research in functional and applied linguistics, text semantics, discourse analysis, multimedia semiotics, language in education, science education, scientific communication, complex systems theory, social theory.

University of Chicago 

Enrico Fermi Institute for Nuclear Studies

Research in elementary particle theory and high-energy physics

Research Interests:

    Discourse Linguistics: Semantic structures and strategies in text; thematic analysis of discourse formations; orientational and attitudinal meaning; intertextuality and heteroglossia; hypertext semantics; scientific and technical discourse

    Social Semiotics: Multimedia semiotics; functional integration of visual and verbal meaning; discourse, culture, and identity development; the discourse of social conflict; fundamental theory of social diversity and social change; dynamics of ecosocial systems and networks; semiotics of multimedia and hypermedia

     Language in Education: Literacy education and new educational technologies; specialized registers and genres of academic disciplines; language, dialect, and cultural diversity; classroom discourse; hypertext for online education

    Science Education: The role of language and semantic competence in mastering science; multimedia literacy for science education; classroom discourse and activity structures; written and multimedia genres of science; science education and social values; science and masculinism

Other Professional Activities:

Grant Proposal Reviewer: National Science Foundation (USA), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Canada), Australian Research Council

Manuscript Reviewer: Communication Review; Mind, Culture, and Activity; Human Development; Cognition & Instruction; Anthropology & Education; Reading Research Quarterly;  Science Education; International Journal of Science Education; Cambridge University Press; Routledge; Taylor & Francis; Cassell Academic; Continuum; SUNY Press;  Heinemann Educational

Conference Program Reviewer: American Educational Research Association; National Reading Conference (USA); National Association for Research in Science Teaching; Conference on Computer-supported Collaborative Work

External Examiner, Doctoral Dissertations: York University (Canada), Linguistics; University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education; University of Sydney, Linguistics; Macquarie University, Applied Linguistics; Murdoch University: Communication Studies, Education, Humanities; Curtin University of Technology, Science Education

External Reviewer, Faculty Appointments, Promotions and Honors: University of California, Berkeley; University of California, San Diego; Washington University, St. Louis; Vanderbilt University; University of Pennsylvania; University of Delaware; York University, Toronto

List of Selected Publications:

Books and Monographs

Textual Politics: Discourse and Social Dynamics. London: Taylor & Francis. 1995.

Talking Science: Language, Learning, and Values. Ablex Publishing. 1990.

Aprender a hablar ciencia: Lenguaje, aprendizaje, y valores. Ediciones Paidos (Barcelona). 1997. [Translation of Lemke 1990 into Spanish]

Using Language in the Classroom. 2nd edition. London: Oxford University Press, 1989. [Republication of Lemke 1985]

Using Language in the Classroom. Geelong, VIC (Australia): Deakin University Press. 1985.

Semiotics and Education. Monograph in Toronto Semiotic Circle Monographs Series, Victoria University, Toronto. 1984.

Articles, Book Chapters, etc.

"Vector-Meson Interference Phenomena" [with R. Sachs] Physical Review D5: 590-597. 1972.

"Proton-Antiproton Scattering Near Threshold" Il Nuovo Cimento 16A: 473-510. 1973.

"Teaching Twentieth-Century Science" Journal of College Science Teaching, September 1974, 16-19.

"Acceptance of Plate Tectonics by Geologists" [with M. Nitecki, H. Pullman]. Geology 6: 661-664. 1978. [See also Geology 7: 163-164. 1979]

"Studies of the Acceptance of Plate Tectonics" In M. Sears and D. Merriman, Eds. Oceanography: The Past [Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on the History of Oceanography (Woods Hole)]. Springer Verlag. 1980.

"Talking physics." Physics Education (London) 17: 263-267. 1982.

"Thematic Analysis: Systems, Structures, and Strategies" Semiotic Inquiry 3(2): 159-187. 1983.

Classroom Communication of Science. Final Report to the U.S. National Science Foundation. Arlington, VA: ERIC Documents Service (ED 222 346). 1983.

"Analyzing Meanings in Interaction" International Journal of the Sociology of Language 43: 119-127. 1983.

"A Critique of Relativity and Localization" [with E. Gendlin]. International Journal of Mathematical Modelling 4: 61-72. 1983.

"Textual Politics: Heteroglossia and Discourse Analysis" Paper presented at the International Summer Institute of Structural and Semiotic Studies, University of Toronto, June 1984.

"Ideology, intertextuality, and the notion of register" In J.D. Benson and W.S. Greaves, Eds., Systemic Perspectives on Discourse. (pp. 275-294) Ablex, 1985.

"Strategic Deployment of Speech and Action: A Sociosemiotic Analysis" In J.Evans and J.Deely, Eds., Semiotics 1983: Proceedings of the Semiotic Society of America `Snowbird' Conference, (pp.67-79). University Press of America (1987).

"Social semiotics and science education" American Journal of Semiotics: 5(2): 217-232. [ Special issue; Donald Cunningham and Gary Shank, Eds.] 1987.

"Discourses in conflict: Heteroglossia and text semantics." In J. D. Benson and W. S. Greaves, Eds. Functional Perspectives on Discourse, (pp. 29-50). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing. 1988.

"Genres, semantics, and classroom education" Linguistics and Education: 1(1): 81-99. 1988.

"Towards a Social Semiotics of the Material Subject" T. Threadgold, Ed. Working Papers, Volume 2: Sociosemiotics, (pp. 1-17). Sydney: Sydney Association for Studies in Society and Culture. 1988.

"Text structure and text semantics" In R. Veltman and E. Steiner, Eds. Discourse and Text: Explorations in Systemic Semantics. London: Pinter. 1988.

"Social semiotics: A new model for literacy education" In D. Bloome, Ed. Classrooms and Literacy, (pp. 289-309). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing. 1989.

"The language of science teaching" In C. Emihovich, Ed. Locating Learning: Ethnographic Perspectives on Classroom Research (pp. 216-239). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing. 1989.

"Making Text Talk." Theory into Practice 28(2): 136-141. Spring, 1989. [Special issue: Learning through text, Joanne Golden, Ed.]

"Semantics and Social Values." WORD 40(1-2): 37-50. 1989. [Special issue: Systems, structures, and discourse]

"Technical Discourse and Technocratic Ideology." In M. A. K. Halliday, John Gibbons, and Howard Nicholas, Eds. Learning, Keeping, and Using Language: Selected Papers from the 8th AILA World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Sydney 1987. Vol. II. pp. 435-460. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 1990.

"Language Diversity and Literacy Education." Australian Journal of Reading 13(4): 320-325. (Focus issue Perspectives on Literacy for the International Literacy Year). 1990.

"Literacy and Diversity." In Rod Giblett and John O'Carroll, Eds. Discipline, Dialogue, Difference. Murdoch University (Australia): Duration Publications. pp.147-169. 1990.

"Text Production and Dynamic Text Semantics." In E. Ventola, Ed. Functional and Systemic Linguistics: Approaches and Uses. [pp. 23-38]. Berlin: Mouton/deGruyter (Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs 55). 1991.

"Interpersonal Meaning in Discourse: Value Orientations." In M. Davies and L. Ravelli, Eds. [Selected Papers in Systemic Linguistics]. [pp.82-104]. London: Pinter. 1992.

"Personal Narrative and Academic Discourse: Tools for Making Meaning." Liberal Education 78(3): 28-33. 1992.

"On Not Making Literate Americans" Education Australia, No.19-20, p18-19. 1992.

"Education, Cyberspace, and Change." Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, Vol.1, No.1; March 1993. http://www.kovacs.com/EJVC/lemke.htm ; http://dli.lib.ncsu.edu/stacks/serials/aejvc/aejvc-v1n01-lemke-education.txt 

"Intertextuality and Educational Research." Linguistics and Education 4(3/4):257-268, 1993.

"Practice, Politique, Postmodernism." A review of Pierre Bourdieu and Lois J.D. Wacquant, _An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology_. Postmodern Culture, Vol.4, No.1 (September, 1993). http://hegel.lib.ncsu.edu/stacks/serials/pmc/pmc-v4n1-lemke-practice.txt 

"Critical Social Literacy for the New Century." English in Australia 105: 9-15. 1993. (Special issue, Teaching English Literacy, F. Christie, Ed.)

"Discourse, Dynamics, and Social Change." Cultural Dynamics 6(1): 243-275. [Special issue, Language as Cultural Dynamic, M.A.K. Halliday, Issue Editor]. 1993.

"The Coming Paradigm Wars in Education: Curriculum vs. Information Access." In Cyberspace Superhighways: Access, Ethics, and Control, Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Computers, Freedom, and Privacy. Chicago: John Marshall Law School. 1994. [pp.76-85]

"The Missing Context in Science Education: Science." Paper presented at American Educational Research Association annual meeting, Atlanta, GA (April 1992). Arlington VA: ERIC Documents Service (ED 363 511), 1994.

"Multiplying Meaning: Literacy in a Multimedia World." Paper presented at the National Reading Conference, Charleston SC (December 1993). Arlington VA: ERIC Documents Service (ED 365 940), 1994.

"Living Literacy in the Information Age" in Shortland-Jones, B., Bosich, B., & Rivalland, J. (Eds.), Living Literacy. Carlton, Vic.: Australian Reading Assocation. 1994.

"Semiotics and the Deconstruction of Conceptual Learning." Journal of Accelerative Learning and Teaching 19 (1), 67-110. 1994.

"Intertextuality and text semantics." In M. Gregory and P. Fries, Eds. Discourse in Society: Functional Perspectives Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing. 1995. [pp.85-114]

"Literacy, Culture, and History." Review of The World on Paper by D.R. Olson. The Communication Review 1(2):241-259. 1995.

"Making Towers, Making Withs" Paper presented at National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San Francisco, April 1995. Arlington VA: ERIC Documents Service (ED 384 513), 1995. [Available in Electronic Journal of Science Education: M. Kamen, W.-M. Roth, L. Flick, B.Shapiro, L. Barden, E. Kean, S. Marble, and J. Lemke. 1997. Multiple perspective analysis of the role of language in inquiry science learning.  Electronic Journal of Science Education vol.2, no.1.]

"Emergent Agendas in Collaborative Activity" Paper presented at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco (April 1995). _Research in Education_, January 1996. Arlington VA: ERIC Documents Service (ED 386 425), 1996.

"Hypermedia and Higher Education" in T.M. Harrison and T.D. Stephen, Eds. Computer Networking and Scholarship in the 21st Century University. Albany: SUNY Press. 1996. 215-232.

"Self-Organization and Psychological Theory." Review of L.B. Smith & E. Thelen, Eds., A Dynamic Systems Approach to Development. Theory & Psychology, 6(2): 352-356, 1996.

"Emptying the Center: On Gee's 'Mobots and Classrooms'" Organization 3(3): 411-418, 1996.

"Cognition, Context, and Learning: A Social Semiotic Perspective" in D. Kirshner and A. Whitson, Eds., Situated Cognition: Social, Semiotic, and Psychological Perspectives. (pp. 37-55). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. 1997.

Review of Signs of Writing (Roy Harris). Functions of Language, 4 (1): 125-129. 1997.

"Multiplying Meaning: Visual and Verbal Semiotics in Scientific Text" in J.R. Martin & R. Veel, Eds., Reading Science. London: Routledge. (pp.87-113). 1998.

"Analysing Verbal Data: Principles, Methods, and Problems" in K. Tobin & B. Fraser, (Eds). International Handbook of Science Education. London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 1175-1189. 1998.

"Metamedia Literacy: Transforming Meanings And Media" In D. Reinking, L. Labbo, M. McKenna, & R. Kiefer (Eds.), Handbook of Literacy and Technology: Transformations in a Post-Typographic World. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. pp.283-301. 1998.

Review of From Positivism to Interpretivism and Beyond (Heshusius & Ballard). Anthropology and Education Quarterly 29(2): 255-257. June, 1998.

"Resources for Attitudinal Meaning: Evaluative Orientations in Text Semantics." Functions of Language 5(1): 33-56, 1998.

"Discourse and Organizational Dynamics: Website Communication and Institutional Change" Discourse and Society 10(1): 21-47. 1999.

Review of: Discourse as Structure and Process (T. A. van Dijk, Ed.). Language in Society 28(1): 6-9. 1999.

"Meaning-Making in the Conversation" Human Development 42 (2): 87-91. 1999.

"Typological and Topological Meaning in Diagnostic Discourse." Discourse Processes 27(2), 173-185. 1999.

Review of Writing Superheroes: Contemporary Childhood, Popular Culture, and Classroom Literacy (Anne Haas Dyson). Qualitative Studies in Education 12 (1): 110-112. 1999.

"Multimedia Demands of the Scientific Curriculum". Linguistics and Education 10(3): 1-25. 2000.  

 “Multiple timescales and semiotics in complex ecosocial systems” Interjournal of Complex Systems, Reports, ms. #405   [http://www.interjournal.org]. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Complex Systems, May 2000. Nashua, NH: New England Complex Systems Institute.

 “Opening Up Closure: Semiotics Across Scales” In J. Chandler and G. van de Vijver, Eds. Closure: Emergent Organizations and their Dynamics (Volume 901: Annals of the NYAS). New York: New York Academy of Science Press. pp. 100-111. March, 2000.

 "Material Sign Processes and Ecosocial Organization." In P.B. Andersen, C. Emmeche, and N.O. Finnemann-Nielsen, Eds. Downward Causation: Self-organization in Biology, Psychology, and Society. Aarhus University Press (Denmark). pp. 181-213. 2000.  

"Across the Scales of Time: Artifacts, Activities, and Meanings in Ecosocial SystemsMind, Culture, and Activity 7(4): 273-290. 2000.

“The Long and the Short of It: Comments on multiple timescale studies of human activity”  Journal of the Learning Sciences 10 (1-2): 193-202. 2000.

“Intertextuality and the Project of Text Linguistics” TEXT 20 (2), 221-225.  2000. 

"Articulating Communities: Sociocultural Perspectives on Science Education." Journal of Research on Science Teaching 38 (3): 296-316. 2001.


Mathematics in the Middle: Measure, Picture, Gesture, Sign, and Word. To appear in M. Anderson, V. Cifarelli, A. Saenz-Ludlow, & A. Vile (Eds.), Semiotic Perspectives on Mathematics Education. Erlbaum.

“Becoming the Village: Education across Lives.” To appear in G. Wells and G. Claxton, Eds. Learning for Life in the 21st Century: Sociocultural Perspectives on the Future of Education. London and Oxford: Blackwell.

 “Multiplying intelligences: Hypermedia and social semiotics.” To appear in J. Kincheloe & A. Johnson, Eds. Multiple Intelligences Reconsidered: An Expanded Vision. [Routledge].

 “Language development and identity: multiple timescales in the social ecology of learning.” In C. Kramsch, Ed. Language Acquisition and Language Socialization. London: Continuum.

“Multimedia Genres for Scientific Education and Science Literacy.” To appear in M. J. Schleppegrell & C. Colombi, Eds., Developing Advanced Literacy in First and Second Languages. Erlbaum.

"Ideology, Intertextuality, and the Communication of Science." In P. Fries, M. Cummings, D. Lockwood and W. Spruiell (eds.) Relations and Functions Within and Around Language. London: Continuum/Cassell, 2001.

“Science and Experience.” In Wallace, J. & Louden, W. (Eds.). (2001). Dilemmas in science teaching: Perspectives on problems of practice. London: Routledge/Falmer. 

“Review of Goldman-Segall: Points of viewing children’s thinking.” Human Development.

“Semantic Topography and Textual Meaning.” To appear in J. de Villiers and R. Stainton, Eds. Communication in Linguistics. Toronto: Editions du GREF. pp. 1-23.
