J.L.Lemke On-line Office



 Note: In lieu of extensive citation to the large literatures which touch on many of the issues raised here, I have cited a number of my own recent works where further citations can be found.


 Bakhtin, M. 1935. Discourse in the novel. In M. Holquist, Ed. The Dialogic Imagination (1981). Austin TX: University of Texas Press.

Bateson, G. 1972. Steps to an ecology of mind. New York: Ballantine.

Bourdieu, P. 1990. The Logic of Practice. Stanford CA: Stanford University Press.

Cole, M. 1996. Cultural psychology. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Gee, J. P. 1992. The social mind. New York: Bergin and Garvey.

Halliday, M.A.K. (1978). Language as social semiotic. London: Edward Arnold.

Hasan, R. 1996. Ways of saying: Ways of meaning. London: Cassell.

Hodge, Robert and Gunther Kress. (1988). Social Semiotics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Hofstadter, D. 1979. Goedel, Escher, Bach. New York: Basic Books.

Latour, B. (1993). We have never been modern. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Latour, B. 1999. Pandora’s hope. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Lave, J.  (1988). Cognition in practice. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Lave, J. & Wenger, E. 1991. Situated learning: legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

 Lemke, Jay L. (1993). Discourse, Dynamics, and Social Change. Cultural Dynamics 6(1),  243-275.

 Lemke, J.L. 1995. Textual Politics: Discourse and Social Dynamics. London: Taylor & Francis.

 Lemke, J. L. 1998a. Multiplying Meaning: Visual and Verbal Semiotics in Scientific Text. In James R. Martin and Robert Veel, Eds., Reading Science. London: Routledge. Pp. 87-113.

 Lemke, J.L. 1999. "Typological and Topological Meaning in Diagnostic Discourse." Discourse Processes 27(2), 173-185.

Lemke, J.L . 2000a. Opening up closures: Semiotics across scales. In J. Chandler and G. van de Vijver (Eds.), Closure: Emergent organizations and their dynamics. New York: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

Lemke, J.L. 2000b."Multimedia Demands of the Scientific Curriculum". Linguistics and Education 10(3): 1-25.

 Lemke, J.L. 2000c. Multimedia genres for science education and science literacy. Paper presented at the Acquisition of Advanced Literacy Conference, University of California at Davis; February 2000. Available at:

 Lemke, J.L. In press, a. "Mathematics in The Middle:  Measure, Picture, Gesture, Sign, and Word". To appear in Anderson, M., Cifarelli, V., Saenz-Ludlow, A. and Vile, A. (eds.), Semiotic Perspectives on Mathematics Education. Erlbaum.

 Lemke, J.L. In press, b. “Becoming the Village: Education across Lives.” To appear in G. Wells and G. Claxton, Eds. Learning for Life in the 21st Century: Sociocultural Perspectives on the Future of Education. London and Oxford: Blackwell.

  Lemke, J.L. In press, c. "Across the Scales of Time: Artifacts, Activities, and Meanings in Ecosocial Systems."  Mind, Culture, and Activity.

  Lemke, J.L. In press, d. Multiplying intelligences: Hypermedia and social semiotics. To appear in J. Kincheloe, Ed. [Multiple Intelligences]

  Ochs, Elinor., Gonzales, Patrick. and Jacoby, Sally. (1996). "When I come down I'm in the domain state ...": Grammar and Graphic Representation in the Interpretive Activity of Physicists. In Elinor Ochs, Emmanuel Schegloff, and Sandra Thompson (Eds.), Interaction and Grammar.  New York: Cambridge University Press.

  Rogoff, B. 1990. Apprenticeship in thinking: Cognitive development in social context. New York: Oxford University Press.

  Rosen, R. 1985. Anticipatory Systems. New York: Pergamon.

Salthe, S.N. 1993. Development and evolution. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Serres, M. & Latour, B. 1995. Conversations on science, culture, and time. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press.

Van de Vijver, G. In press. Psychic closure: A prerequisite for the recognition of the sign-function? Semioti­ca.

Walkerdine, V. 1988. The Mastery of Reason. London: Routledge.

Wallace, A.F.C. 1970. Culture and Personality. Second Edition. New York: Random House.

Zadeh, Lotfi. 1965. Fuzzy sets. Information and Control 8, 338-353.

