Heterochrony and Bifurcation

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How then are processes and activities integrated in ecosocial networks across time-scales?

= Heterochrony has two meanings: multiple time-scales for a single process or activity, and interactions of processes across time-scales beyond what is called for by the principle of alternation

= A critical way in which (non-adjacent) cross-scale processes are mediated is by semiotic artifacts: EX. of the samurai sword, the text-object, the body

= the issue of point events in the past vs. long-term processes reaching forward from the past: bifurcation vs. heterochrony; in the case of a bifurcation, some discontinuity in the past, an event that shifted conditions such that one rather than another possible future occurred, continues to have an influence at the present time, though that influence, on a time-scale that ought not to matter so much (being too longterm historically, or developmentally), is eventually diminished by the filtering or buffering of intervening emergent time-scale processes; in the case of heterochrony, some process which has been on-going on the longterm time scale (rather than a short-scale event having continuing consequences) separating distant past from the present "anomalously" has present-moment effects

= bifurcation is filtered or buffered by intervening emergents; heterochrony includes the roles of intervening scale processes