Brooklyn College
K-9 Mathematics and Science
Sponsored by a Grant from the Dwight D.
Eisenhower Title IIA Professional Development Program
The many complex challenges which face teachers of
Mathematics and Science in New York City will only be addressed successfully in
a systemic way. There are at present many different types of activities which
can further the reform of school teaching of mathematics-implementation on new
standards-based curricula, school-based or district-wide workshops for current
teachers, undergraduate and graduate coursework, and classroom support of
teachers by student teachers and/or staff developers. However, these activities
are often uncoordinated, fragmented, and hence lack the potential for systemic
change. The proposed program, a collaboration among the Mathematics, Geology and
Education departments
at Brooklyn College, two
Community School Districts, the United Federation of
Teachers and the American Museum of Natural
History, aims to develop a
coherent model for reforming school mathematics in grades K-8 at the school and
district level by involving preservice teachers, college faculty (in Education,
Geology and Mathematics departments), novice teachers who are beginning their
masters degrees, experienced teachers who are working on incorporating new
standards-based mathematics and science curricula in their classrooms, and experienced staff
developers in interrelated activities. The program will offer teacher
development in mathematics and science at different levels and to different
audiences as follows.
- Undergraduate teacher preparation programs.
The audiences here are
prospective teachers of grades K-6 and of grades 7-12. Education coursework
for both of these groups includes placement in field sites which will be in program classrooms. The program
will have an important impact on the redesign of the undergraduate
teacher preparation programs which is mandated by the New York State Board
of Regents in the coming years, with a particular focus on rich content
background and field experiences which support the development of high
expectations for all students in mathematics and science.
Graduate masters degree programs. The audience here are novice teachers
who are not fully certified, who will be recruited for existing masters
programs in environmental science (grades K-6) and in mathematics (grades
K-9). These teachers will enter the graduate programs as a cohort, and their
experience in coursework will have the context of the new curricula infused in
all courses. They will be offered one course each semester with free tuition. In
addition, faculty will work with a team of staff developers and master teachers
to develop an extension of the existing science program to grades 7-9, with a
concentration on earth science. This aspect of the program is especially timely
in the expectation of a new middle school certification, for which both of the
Masters program will be expected to qualify.
Graduate non-degree courses. These courses, which will be offered in
collaboration with the UFT, meet the needs of
uncertified teachers of mathematics and science (mostly middle school) who have
not yet met entrance requirements for the Masters program-that is, provisional
certification. The program will revise existing mathematics and science methods
courses for teachers who have not had adequate content area preparation in their
undergraduate years to teach the new rigorous K-6 curriculum.
Non-credit school- and district-based workshops. These workshops, open
to all District teachers, meet the needs of experienced teachers who have no
need for credit-bearing courses, but who are in need of very specific help in
implementing new standards-based curricula. The workshops, to be offered in
conjunction with District staff development efforts and the UFT
Teacher Centers, will also be open to student interns and student teachers
placed in the collaborating Districts. These workshops will provide a context to
develop and support local teacher-leaders, allowing teachers who have
demonstrated success in implementing standards-based curricula a way to
influence others in their school district.
City-wide conferences. The program will collaborate with the UFT
Teacher Centers and the American Museum of
Natural History to offer conferences open to mathematics and science
educators city-wide, with a special focus on implementation of nationally
validated curricula. The master teachers developed through the school-based
workshops will be provided with an opportunity here to share their successes.
Throughout these varied formats for teacher development will run two common
threads: a focus on implementation of new curricula and means of assessment which
reflect the New York
State standards; and the collaboration of representatives from colleges
(both Education and Mathematics/Science departments), K-8 school teachers and
staff developers, representatives of the UFT Teacher Centers, and the Department
of Education of the American Museum of Natural History.