• 6/1/2000: No significant updates after this date. Currently on leave from CUNY.
  • 4/16/2000: News You Can Use article on Summer Jobs added to Students Page.
  • 3/27/2000: Three part article on "Digital Diploma Mills" added to Readings Page.
  • 3/20/2000: Students Page updated with links to Test Frameworks for LAST, ATS-W, and Social Studies Content Area.
  • 3/17/2000: Writings Page updated with 2 new Essays; Links Page updated; Students Page updated and links repaired.
  • 2/28/2000: Students Page updated with another News item and some additional Course and Program info, including samples of the new World History Regents Exam and articles about DBQs; Readings Page updated with articles section, including an article on "White Studies" in higher education.
  • 2/15/2000: Students Page updated with Course and Program Info, News You Can Use, and Writing Workshop; Links Page updated.
  • 2/13/2000: Writings Page updated with work in progress, Education for Rejuvenation; American Islam course moved to Propose to Teach and current prospectus for Social Studies Methods added to Now Teaching on Courses Page; links updated and some bugs repaired.
  • 1/17/2000: Personals Page uploaded, with sections for professional activities, educational background, and current research interests. Book series prospectus added to Writings Page--Higher Ed: Questions about the Purposes of Colleges and Universities, including an invitation for contributions.
  • 1/15/2000: Book reviews added to Writings Page--Absence of the Sacred, Culture of Denial, Dr. Strangelove's America, and several others. Courses added to Courses Page--Art, Philosophy & Culture of Teaching, Middle School Teaching, Urban Children & Adolescents, Social Studies Methods, and Teaching the Qur'an as a Classic Text. Timeline added to Readings Page--Early Islamic Intellectual History.
  • 1/10/2000: Most pages reformatted, including new backgrounds. Readings Page updated--Quotrons on Living Islam Workshop, African Responses to Imperialism, and a Timeline on History of American Treatment of Stupidity. Writings Page updated--published articles on Utility of Islamic Imagery, Musical Stupidity, Computer Revolution, Enclosing Musical Commons, published reviews of Consumer Culture and TV Programming, Rethinking World History, plus a work in progress and an experimental work. Links and files added to Programs Page--Secondary Education, Social Studies Student Teaching. Prospectus added to Courses Page--Critical Issues in Education. Sponsors pages updated, links added.
  • 1/4/2000: Book lists added to Readings Page--Africa, Ancient Civilizations, China, Indigenous Peoples, Islam, Television, Women.
  • 1/3/2000: Home page loaded to server.