Vocabulary and Allusions
Stanza 1
Line 5, beadsman: pauper paid to pray for
patron; the name "beadsman" refers to the beads of a rosary.
Stanza II
Line 7, Orat'ries: oratories or chapels
Stanza V
Line 1, argent: silver
Stanza VI
Line 8, require: ask of, beseech
Stanza VII
Line 4, sweeping train: long dress
trailing on the floor
Stanza VIII
Line 4, timbrels: tambourine or small hand
Line 7, hoodwink'd: blinded or deceived
amort: as if dead, listless
Line 8, unshorn: On St. Agnes's Day, two
lambs were blessed during mass; nuns later spun and wove their wool.
Stanza IX
Line 5, buttress'd: hiding in the shadows
of the buttress, a projecting structure to support the castle
Stanza X
Line 9, beldame: nurse or old woman, hag
Stanza XI
Line 2, wand: staff or stick
Line 5, bland: soft
Stanza XII
Line 6, Gossip: a confidant or
confidential friend
Stanza XIV
Line 3, sieve: bewitched so that it held
Line 4, fays: fairies
Line 9, mickle: much
Stanza XV
Line 7, brook: hold back
Stanza XVI
Line 9, bear them: defy them
Stanza XVII
Line 3, passing-bell: death knell, rung
when someone dies
Line 5, plaining: lamenting or sorrowing
Stanza XIX
Line 9, Since...debt: Perhaps the Demon
was the temptress Vivien, who trapped Merlin in a tree (in some
of the story, a cave) after learning his magic. Or this may refer to
Merlin as the son of a demon; in another version of Arthurian legend,
disappeared in a storm which he had called up with a spell.
Stanza XX
Line 2, cates: delicacies
Line 3, tambour frame: embroidery frame,
shaped like a drum or tambourine
Stanza XXI
Line 8, amain: exceedingly
Line 9, agues: shaking, from cold; a chill
Stanza XXII
Line 1, Balustrade: bannister
Line 4, taper's: candle's
Line 9, frayed: frightened
Stanza XXIII
Line 6, voluble: beating audibly
Stanza XXIV
Line 1, casement: window
Line 2, imag'ries: designs
Line 7, heraldries: emblems indicating
Line 9, scutcheon: shield
Stanza XXV
Line 2, gules: the name for red in heraldry
Line 3, boon: favor
Line 6, a glory: a halo
Stanza XXVII
Line 7, clasped...pray: This line is
ambiguous. It may mean "kept shut as a Christian book would be where
pagans pray" or it can be read as meaning "held protectively as
a believer among unbelievers."
Line 7, fear: a frightened person
Stanza XXIX
Line 5, Morphean: pertaining to Morpheus,
the god of sleep
amulet: charm to sleep.
Stanza XXX
Line 2, lavander'd: perfumed with lavander
Line 4, gourd: melon
Line 5, soother: smother
Line 6, tinct: tinctured
lucent syrops: clear syrups
Line 7, argosy: merchant fleet or a large
merchant ship
Line 8, Fez: commercial city, associated
with sugar, in Morocco
Line 9, Samarcand: city in Russia noted
for its silks
Lebanon: famed for its cedar
Stanza XXXI
Line 6, seraph: angel
eremite: hermit
Stanza XXXII
Line 1, unnerved: weak (from intense
Line 5, salvers: trays
Line 7, redeem: set free
Line 9, woofed: woven
Line 4, 'La belle dame sans merci': 'the
beautiful lady without mercy,' a poem by the medieval
poet Alain Cartier
Stanza XXXIV
Line 6, witless: uncomprehending
Stanza XXXV
Line 7, complainings: laments
Stanza XXXVI
Line 7, solution: fusion or mixture
Line 8, Love's alarum: Love's or Cupid's
Line 2, flaw-blown: gust-blown or
Line 9, pruned: bedraggled , looking wet
and soiled as if dragged
Line 2, aye: forever
Line 3, vermeil: vermillion
Line 9, infidel: unbeliever, non-Christian
Stanza XXXIX
Line 2, haggard: wild
seeming: appearance
Line 7, Rhenish: Rhine wine
mead: fermented drink made of
malt and honey
Line 7, arras: tapestry
Line 8, aves: the prayer, Hail Mary, from
its Latin name Ave Maria
Stanza XLI
Line 3, Porter: gatekeeper
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