This site includes the following:
scene summaries and
abstracts, with links to passages in the text;
annotated links to all
appearances and mentions of a character;
analysis of Hamlet's
themes, with links to
relevant passages;
notable quotes with
explanation and link to text;
FAQ and a guide to A.C.
Bradley's Shakespearean Tragedy
(which is included in your textbook);
T.S. Eliot's essay, "Hamlet
and His Problems";
Ernest Jones, "The
Oedipus-Complex as an Explanation of Hamlet's Mystery"
Samuel Coleridge, Lectures and Notes on Shakespeare and
Other English Poets (excerpts, including the statement that
thinks too much).
This site discusses major themes and issues:
the opening scenes;
the Court;
staging; revenge;
"incestuous sheets ;
Hamlet and the women in his
Hamlet as university
Hamlet as actor;
madness: Hamlet;
madness: Ophelia;
Hamlet and Laertes: the duel;
Claudius: divine right?
Claudius: politician;
ordinary people; the ending:
Fortinbras; the ending:
order restored;
What kind of tragedy is
I include this because so many students look at it on
their own.
The contents include these topics:
a plot overview;
a list of characters;
analysis of main characters;
themes, motifs and symbols;
summary and analysis of each
act, scene by scene;
important quotations
key facts;.
This page discusses the genre of tragedy, which Hamlet belongs to; it covers the
following issues:
tragedy: an overview;
the "tragic vision";
the catastrophic conclusion;
the sense of inevitability;
human limitation, suffering,
and disproportion;
the learning process and
acceptance of moral responsibility;