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Literature and Literary Research

Archives of
      The archives of the Victoria List are concerned with nineteenth century British Culture and Society. Members are mainly literature faculty and students. Search engine. Join or leave the list.

British Sensation Fiction
    Description of the early whodunit, of romantic fiction, and of sensation fiction. Individual authors, including Charles Dickens, Emily Bronte, and Charlotte Bronte. Brief discussion of literary doubles.

British Women Playwrights Around 1800
    Discussion, e-text of plays, bibliographies, and bulletin board.

Children's Literature, Chiefly from the Nineteenth Century
    Catalog of exihibit at the University of North Carolina. Categories include instruction, relgion, and early didactic writers; travel, folktales, and nursery stories; some mid-century developments--women writers and the renascence of wonder; boys' stories of school, adventure, and empire; late Victorian illustrators, Peter Rabbit, and the Wizard of Oz.

Domestic Goddesses: a.k.a. "scribbling mobs of women"
    A moderated E-journal devoted to American women writing domestic fictions, starting with the nineteenth century.. Critical papers by graduate students, general Victorian links, FAQ, bibliographies, discussion forum, listserv, and sample course syllabus.

    An Internet list which each week discusses one work of mystery, adventure, and The Weird, written between 1800-1919. Includes e-texts of current and past readings. A search engine.

Literary Resources--Victorian British
    Links to other Victorian Web sites, including general sites and individual authors.

The Pre-Raphaelite Critic: Contemporary Criticism of the Pre Raphaelites from 1846-1900
    Brief description of the Pre-Raphaelite painters and nineteenth century reviews of their work, images of their paintings and photographs, audio clips of their poems, and parodies of their works.

A Regency Repository of Arts, Literature, Fashion, Personalities, Inventions, Learning, the Domestic Arts, and Matters Military & Political
    The title indicates the scope of this site, which also includes music. The Regency lasted from 1811 to 1820, when the Prince of Wales served as Regent because of George III's insanity (really porphyria?).

Victoria Research Web: Scholarly Resources for Victorian Research
    Site associated with the Victoria List. Tips and links to help Victorianists find information, e.g., archive catalogues, libraries and bibliographies, listserv addresses, sample syllabi, and journals.

The Victorian Web
    A goldmine of information and a must-explore site. Topics: the Victorians, gender matters, social history, political history, economics, religion, philosophy, literature, genre and technique, the visual arts, science, economic contexts, Victorian Web books, authors, related courses, links, and technology. A search engine.

Victorian Web Books Project
      More than 15,000 scholarly e-books on a wide range of Victorian subjects, including literature, the arts and design, the history of science, religion, economics, social history, and political history.

Victorian Women Writers Project.
    E-texts of anthologies, novels, political pamphlets, religious tracts, and volumes of poetry and verse drama written by women.

Voice of the Shuttle: Victorian Literature
    This is the site to begin explorations and to consult repeatedly afterward. It lists links to other Web sites: general resources in Victorian literature; authors, works, projects; selected social issues and writing; course syllabi and teaching resources; criticism and critics (general); journals; listservs and newsgroups; and conferences and calls for papers.


Art, Architecture, and the Performing Arts

F.O.C. Darley Page
      Felix Octavisu Carr Darley, a prominent nineteenth century illustrator, was recently elected to the Society of Illustrators Hall of Fame.

The British Galleries at the Victoria and Albert Museum
      Over 2300 images of decorative art. To see the 19th century holdings,click on objects at the top of the page; when a smaller window opens, find instant search at the top of the page; in the first text box, enter "nineteenth" and enter "century" in the second text box, after the and. Click on the Search button. Graphic thumbnail images of the holdings appear; click on the thumbnail image for an explanation of the image.

A Flowering of Affection: Victorian Valentine Cards at the Lilly Library
  A brief survey of the Victorian valentine cards, which ranged from the sentimental to the comic. Send an e-valentine to that special someone (or someones).

The Great Exhibition at the Crystal Palace
    For the Victorians the Great Exhibit of 1851 expressed the glories and glamor of industry. And one of the wonders of the Great Exhibition was the Crystal Palace; it captured their imaginations and, in itself, represented the wonders of technology and industry. This site presents images of the Crystal Palace and brief discussion.

Footlight Notes
    Online newsletter about British music hall, vaudeville, comedy, and other popular entertainment from 1850 to the 1920s. Biographies of performers, photographs, and reviews.

High Victorian Gothic
    Nineteenth century architecture in England. Comparison to High Victorian Gothic in America. Images of Gothic buildings.

Image and Sentiment: Five Publishers of Victorian Holiday Cards
      Ever wonder what kind of cards the Victorians sent? This collection of Christmas cards will answer your question. You can also send cards electronically.

National Portrait Gallery
      The National Portrait Gallery was founded in 1856 to collect the likenesses of famous British men and women. The site contains over 11,500 images. Search by names of individuals; by recent acquisitions; groups, types of portraits, timeline in relation to hundreds of documents; and by century.

Queen Victoria: Images of Her World
    See what Victoria looked like when young (she wasn't always formidable-looking and old). Also includes contemporary paintings of her coronation, her extensive family, and her court.

Nineteenth-Century Studies Resources
      An invaluable bibliography, this site lists nineteenth century bibliographies and historiographies, periodicals and newspapers, literary reviews, government publications, selected nineteenth century collections, and popular culture..

Economics, History, Politics, and Sociology

The UK 1901 Census
      The Public Record Office's site is useful for information about the period and for genelogical research.

The British Empire
    A timeline of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries covers articles, biographies, maps, art and culture, the armed forces, science and technology, and other resources.

The British Library Online Newspaper Archive
      Selected issues of nineteenth century newspapers--the Daily News, Manchester Guardian, News of the World, and the Weekly Dispatch-give a sense of what newspapers looked like and "felt"like. This site is still under construction, so the search engine is not yet functioning, the site supports only Internet Explorer 5 for Windows, and screen resolution must be set at 1024 x 768 or higher.

The Emancipation of Women, 1750-1920
    Biographies of feminists and descriptions of feminist groups. The section on the nineteenth century covers schooling, university education, birth control, marriage, careers and professions, industrial work, pressure groups, strategy and tactics, and Parliamentary reform acts.

Histsex: A discussion list for historians of sexuality
      Contains sections on "Victoriana" and "Sex, Victorians and Historians."

Internet Modern History Sourcebook: The Long 19th Century
    Original documents dealing with radicalism and liberal reform in England, the Victorian sensibility, Victorian literature, and Ireland.

Internet Modern History Sourcebook: 19th Century England
    Another repository of original documents on the nineteenth century and an expansion of the previous entry.

Monuments and Dust: The Culture of Victorian London
    International scholars are assembling a visual, textual, and statistical representation of Victorian London, the largest nineteenth century city. Includes models of the Crystal Palace, vol. I of London: A Pilgrimage by Dore and Jerrold, Times extracts, London Labour and the London Poor by Henry Mayhew, mortality and population statistics for London. Archive.

Nineteenth Century British and Indian Armies and Their Soliders
    Photographs of soldiers; explanation of military orders, decorations, and campaign medals; biographies of soldiers; and glossary of military terms.

Punch: A History Project.

    As a project for an honors seminar, students analyzed political cartoons from Punch. Several students wrote Web-ready papers, rather than conventional papers..

Some Views of Dirt and Drudgery
    Quotations from a variety of Victorian writers on manual and industrial work.

The Victorian Census Project
    Statistics from Census abstracts for 1851, 1861, and 1871; complete 1831 Census; country statistics for 1801, 1811, 1821, and 1841 Census abstracts. E-text of some sources of the statistics. Links with related sites.

Victorian Database Online
      Search over 100,000 records listing books, articles, and dissertation abstracts published from 1945 to 1999 on every field of nineteenth-century British studies. Search by author's name, title, or keywords.

Victorian Dictionary
     A guide to the social history of London. It is comprehensive in the number and range of topics covered, beginning alphabetically with advertising and architecture and moving through Crime, Death and Dying, and Disease, to Religion and Sex and ending with Weather, Women,and Words and Expressions. It's a fun site to browse.

The Victorian Turkish Bath
      Discusses the origins, development, and gradual decline of the Victorian Turkish bath. Numerous illustrations of people, places, things.

A Web of English History
    Discussion of influential political figures, political organizations (Whigs, Conservatives, Tories, Chartists, and the Anti-Corn League), and popular political movements (Chartism, The Anti-Corn League, trade unions, the factory movement, the war of the unstamped press, and public health). Primary materials include text and images.

What's a Guinea?  Money and Coinage in Victorian --and Twnetieth Century--England
    If you've ever wondered what a guinea is or how many shillings make up a pound, this site will explain the mysteries of English currency before 1971, when Britain adopted a decimal system of currency. A wealth of information on the social implications and practices of the currency.

Women and the Law in Victorian England
    Lecture for honors course, Self and Society in Victorian England. Summary of main provisions of the laws relating to women, especially married women.

Jane Austen

Jane Austen Information Page
    A miscellany, this site contains hypertext annotated early novels; e-text of passages from novels, whole novels, light verse, and letters; biography; jokes about Austen; critical articles;images of Austen; link to the Jane Austen Society; the four film adapations, and bibliographies. Includes FAQ. Search engine of Austen_L archives and texts of all six novels. Note: I find this site is often not accessible.

Jane Austen Page (Mitsuhara Matsuoka)

    Extensive list of links to Austen home pages and to discussion groups, Austen chronology, works and e-texts, "academic resources," and discussion and images of Hampshire (Austen country).

On Liking Emma
    A lecture from an honors course, Comedy and Society.

The Republic of Pemberley
    Discussion group, film adaptions of the novels, links to other Austen sites, quotes from authors about Austen, Austen's letters, criticsm, biography, and calendars behind the novels. Check out the Jane Austen Information Page, which includes a sensual scene, the answers to the riddles and charades in Emma, and geneology charts for the characters.

The Bronte Sisters

British Sensation Fiction
    Includes Emily Bronte and Charlotte Bronte. Site discussed under "Literature and Literary Research."

Bronte Sisters Web
    Information about the Bronte Society, extensive links to other sites, information about Anne, Emily, and Charlotte Bronte, and message board.

Charlotte Bronte: An Overview
    A thorough presentation by the Victorian Web. Materials on her biography, discussion of contempary background, e.g., political history, social history, religion, etc. E-text of Jane Eyre and discussion of it.

Emily Bronte:  An Overview
   A thorough presentation by the Victorian Web. Materials on her biography, discussion of contempary background, e.g., political history, social history, religion, etc. Discussion of Wuthering Heights..

Jane Eyre Notes.
    A lecture from an honors course, Self and Society in Victorian Society.

Wuthering Heights
    E-text of the novel.

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens Overview
      A thorough presentation by the Victorian Web. Materials on his biography, discussion of contempary background, e.g., political history, social history, religion. E-text of Great Expectations and an overview.

Charles Dickens Page
      An informative site, with a biography, discussion of the novels and characters, illustrations, Dickens London, Dickens London Map, Dickens & Christmas, etc. A Q&A with a Dickens expert.

Charles Dickens Page
      E-texts of the novels, short stories, and articles as well as a few letters. Dickens lists.

The Dickens Project: University of California
      The Dickens Project promotes the study and enjoyment of Dickens's life, times, and work. Lists conferences, publications, and Dickens fellowships. Life of Dickens, links to Dickens sites, and Dickens archive.

George Eliot

George Eliot
      Links to other Eliot sites, information on the George Eliot Fellowship.

George Eliot: An Overview
    A thorough presentation by the Victorian Web. Materials on her biography, an introduction, discussion of contemporary background, e.g., political history, social history, religion. E-texts and bibliography.

"George Eliot" by Virginia Woolf
      Critical essay by Virginia Woolf on George Eliot.

George Eliot Quotes
      A compilation of quotations from Eliot's novels. Reinforces the image of her as the Wise Woman.

    Summary of lecture for honors course, Self and Society in the Victorian Novel.

Middlemarch: A Study of Provincial Life
    Critical reception, publication history, and annotated bibliography for the novel. Biography of Eliot.

The Wit and Wisdom of George Eliot
      More quotations from Eliot's writings. Links to other Eliot sites.

Thomas Hardy

The Hardy Society of North America
      Information about the society. Forum discussion group and poetry discussion group. Biography, list of dramatizations of Hardy's fiction by himself and others, Hardy's maps of Wessex (his fictional creation, of course). The link to Tess of the D'Urbervilles produces only a photograph of a pocket edition of the novel.

Thomas Hardy

    A thorough presentation by the Victorian Web. Biography, themes, imagery, characterization, setting, discussion of contempary background, e.g., political history, social history, religion, etc. E-texts and bibliography.

Tess of the D'Urbervilles
E-text of the novel.

Tess of the D'Urbervilles: Study Guide and Essays
     A summary and brief analysis of each phase in Tess's life cycle. This site is filled with advertisements.

William Makepeace Thackeray

Biographical Introduction.
    Introduction to The Complete Works of William Makepeace Thackeray (1897-99) by Ann Thackeray Ritchie, Thackeray's daughter.

Becky Sharp of Vanity Fair.
    Paper doll showing the kinds of dresses Becky might have worn.

Vanity Fair.
    E-text (yes, it's the whole novel). Useful for locating passages with the search engine.

Vanity Fair.
    A lecture from an honors course, Self and Society in the Victorian Novel.

Other Authors: A Sampling

Alfred Lord Tennyson
    Includes a recording of Tennyson reading one of his poems

Beeton's Every-Day Cookery and Housekeeping Book.
    E-text. The standard Victorian cookbook and guide to entertaining.

Bram Stoker Home Page
       Stoker, of course, wrote Dracula.

The Fiction of Wilkie Collins

Gissing in Cyberspace

"L.E.L." Verses and The Keepsake for 1829
    Replicates The Keepsake, the most popular and innovative anthology of illustrated poetry and prose, with scholarly comment on this and other annuals. This is the kind of publication Lydgate puts down to Rosamond in Middlemarch.

Frankenstein: Penetrating the Secrets of Nature


The Robert Louis Stevenson Home Page

Anthony Trollope

The William Morris Society Web Site

The Oscholars: Oscar Wilde and his Circle

September 9, 2010