BlueHotel Questions

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  1. Identify narrator of "BH"
    a. Crane
    b. the Easterner
    c. An Omnipresent Presence

  2. Where is "BH" set?
    a. New Mexico
    b. Nebraska
    c. New Lots

  3. When does "BH" take place?
    a. End of 19th C.
    b. End of 17th c.
    c. End of 18th C.

  4. What is a possible meaning of "shaky and quick-eyed"?(p.37)
    a. Swede is a winker
    b. Swede needs a drink
    c. Swede is scared shirtless

  5. What are three possible themes of "BH"?
    a. Love, Lust, and Loneliness
    b. Ink, Starch ,and Indigo
    c. Fear, Violence, and Chance

  6. What feature of the cowboy's cardplaying adds to the tension of this tale?
    a. his bawdy boasting
    b. his boardwhacking
    c. his bagelbiting

  7. How many card games are played in "BH"?
    a. 3
    b. 5
    c. 4

  8. What is the same about 2 of the games?
    a. same partners
    b. same dealer
    c. same cheating

  9. What is a major difference between card games #2 and #3?
    a. Swede is downcast
    b. Swede is drunk
    c. Swede is dumbfounded

  10. What is a possible meaning of extended metaphor on p.58,VIII,paragraph 2, beginning with "lice" and ending with "space-lost bulb"?
    a. life is swell
    b. life swings like a pendalum do
    c. life sucks

  11. "The Swede shivered and turned white near the corners of his mouth"(p.40) suggests what mental disorder?
    a. Mood
    b. Personality
    c. Anxiety

  12. For next class, locate DSM-IV in library; identify agoraphobia; be prepared to relate to Swede.

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