
Click the answer button to see the answer.

  1. In "London" who is the speaker?
    a. Blake
    b. A soldier
    c. An angry adult nightwalker

  2. What is rhyme scheme?
    a. AbbA
    b. AbAb
    c. AbAA

  3. How many of the verbs are in present tense?
    a. 50%
    b. 25%
    c. 100%

  4. What is a possible meaning of "charter'd"?
    a. revolted
    b. reviled
    c. restricted

  5. What sense is primarily emphasized in "London"?
    a. sound
    b. sight
    c. smell

  6. How is the sense emphasized?
    a. escalation
    b. repetition
    c. direct statement

  7. "Marriage hearse" is an example of what poetic device?
    a. steerstupidity
    b. cowcleverness
    c. oxymoron

  8. Which best defines "mind-forg'd manacles"?
    a. Freudian handcuffs
    b. Jungian cufflinks
    c. Mental shackles created by guilt

  9. Which superlative focuses on the poem's theme?
    a. more
    b. most
    c. every

  10. What is a possible meaning of "harlot's curse"?
    a. trashtalk
    b. a naughty pub
    c. a venereal disease

  11. Go to my Webpage to CORE6; access "LondonBiblio." Select the best explanation of theme. Come to class prepared to defend your choice.

Copyright 1998 by W.J.Reeves (
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