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  1. In "CSI" who is the speaker?
    a. Blake
    b. a fledgling sweep
    c. an experienced sweep

  2. In "CSE" who is speaker #1?
    a. a sweep
    b. Blake
    c. An adult passerby

  3. In "CSI" what is the rhyme pattern?
    a. couplets
    b. AbAb
    c. AbbA

  4. How are primary narrators of CSI and CSE different?
    a. one has parents, the other doesn't
    b. one is short, the other tall
    c. one is accepting, the other angry

  5. What sense does Blake emphasize in CSI?
    a. smell
    b. sound
    c. sight

  6. How does he emphasize this sense in CSI?
    a. contrast of 2 colours
    b. use of one color
    c. use of many colors

  7. Which stanzas best illuminate this sense emphasis in CSI?
    a. 1 and 6
    b. 3 and 4
    c. 5 and 6

  8. Which pronoun in stanza one reveals CSI's tone?
    a. I
    b. my
    c. your

  9. What is ironic about the theme of Tom Dacre's dream?
    a. he's old
    b. he's dirty
    c. he's dead

  10. Who was David Ricardo?
    a. 19th C. Economist
    b. Ricky's younger brother
    c. 16th prime minister of England

  11. What was the "iron law of wages?"
    a. Rules for handling Steel
    b. an economic theory stating how low wages can be
    c. an economic theory which leads to Marx

  12. For next class, research Ricardo. Come to class prepared to relate the iron law to "CSI".

Copyright 1998 by W.J.Reeves (wreeves@brooklyn.cuny.edu)
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