Dr.Reeves  3107B--6-7pm. T.
Texts:Browning. Selected Poetry.
      Tennyson. Selected Poetry.
      Wilde. The Importance of Being Earnest. Signet.

             1. Essay. C/C "LD" and "Count Gismond"             20 pts.
             3. Report VicFems                                  30 pts.
             4. Final Exam. Comprehensive. Short Answer.        50 pts.

Next Class: Study ?s. "My Last Duchess"--Browning

Browning: "Porphyria's Lover" "Count Gismond"
Tennyson: "Lotus Eaters" "Ulysses" "Locksley Hall"

Fems:    LEL "Revenge"
                  Hemans:  "Effigies"
         Mary Coleridge "The White Women"
         Kendall:"Woman's Future"

Rossetti "The Blessed Damozel"
Arnold "Dover Beach" + "Function of Criticism"
Hardy "Hap" Hopkins "Windhover"

DM. 1. Speaker
    2. Auditor
    3. Past Events.
    4. Present Situation
    5. Dynamic:S/A
    6. Produces effect on reader--horror, sorrow, amusement,anger.

Fems: 1. Bio.
      2. Story/Topic
      3. Form
      4. Major Theme
      5. F/F/F

Critical Approaches:
1. NC-Browning
2. R/R, Fem.-Browning
3. NH, Marxist-Tennyson
4. Reception-Tennyson
5. Feminist-Fems
6. CM(Raymond Williams)-Wilde

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