Brooklyn College
City University of New York


Proceed into the museum through the archway opposite the main door. If you haven't yet done so, pay your Museum entrance fee as you pass the cashier. As you walk under the archway, you will see two sets of elevators - one to the left and one to the right (Elevators A and B on the map of the 2nd floor). Take one of these elevators to the 4th floor. Proceed to the Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs (refer to the 4th floor map if necessary), and locate the specimen of Tyrannosaurus. It will be on your left as you enter the hall.

  Examine the skeleton of this dinosaur. Locate hip, knee, and ankle. Compare the leg and foot structure of Tyrannosaurus to that of Allosaurus? Does the leg of Tyrannosaurus contain the same bones with the same general shape, and articulated with on another in the same general way as in its smaller relative (refer to your sketch of the allosaur leg on page 1 if necessary)? Does the foot of Tyrannosaurus have the same number of toes, in the same relative proportions and in the same arrangement as for Allosaurus?
2.   BODY DIMENSIONS OF TYRANNOSAURS:Using the remote distance measurement techniques described elsewhere in this website, measure the following dimensions of the tyrannosaur's body: total length; hip height; and foot length. Total length is the distance from the nose to the tip of the tail. Hip height is the distance from the hip joint to the ground when the leg is held straight under the body. Note carefully, whether the leg you are measuring is flexed at the knee. If it is, you will have to measure hip height as the distance between hip and knee, plus the distance between knee and ankle, plus the distance between ankle and ground. Foot length is the distance from the tip of the longest toe to the heel. In measuring foot length, use the functional definition of 'foot' noted above. If you are using the photoscanning method of remote measurement, make sure your photos are taken from points that show the structures of the skeleton that you are trying to measure. Be sure you retain this information so that it can be used in your study of dinosaur running speed.