Brooklyn College
City University of New York

Prof. J.A. Chamberlain, Jr.
Department of Geology
Brooklyn College
Brooklyn, NY 11210

ABSTRACTS: 1980 - 1989

J.A. CHAMBERLAIN, JR. Motor performance and jet propulsion in Nautilus. Amer. Malacol. Union, Annu. Meeting,1980. Louisville, KY
J.A. CHAMBERLAIN, JR. Motor performance and jet propulsion in Nautilus: implications for cephalopod evolution. Geol. Soc. Amer., Abstr. with Program Annu. Meeting, 12:
W.B. Saunders, E.A. Shapiro & J.A. CHAMBERLAIN, JR. The potential significance of cameral fluid in the aperture orientation of the coiled cephalopods. Geol. Soc. Amer., Abstr. with Program Annu. Meeting 13:546
J.A. CHAMBERLAIN, JR., P.D. Ward & J.S. Weaver. Post-mortem ascent of Nautilus shells: implications for cephalopod paleobiogeography. Geol. Soc. Amer., Abstr. with Program Annu. Meeting 13:425
J.A. CHAMBERLAIN, JR., W.A. Moore & S.W. Pillsbury. Flow properties and rupture strength of Nautilus siphuncular tube. Geol. Soc. Amer., Abstr. with Program Annu. Meeting 13:425
J.A. CHAMBERLAIN, JR. Flow properties and rupture strength of Nautilus siphuncular tube. Amer. Soc. Biomech., Abstr. 6th Annu. Meeting, 82: Seattle, WA
P.D. Ward & J.A. CHAMBERLAIN, JR. Chamber formation periodicity and weight change in Nautilus pompilius: implication for earth-moon distance. Geol. Soc. Amer., Abstr. with Program Annu. Meeting 15:
K.O., Mann, R.E. Crick, B. Burkhart & J.A. CHAMBERLAIN, JR. Shell formation and other aspects of biomineralization in Nautilus. Geol. Soc. Amer., Abstr. with Program Annu. Meeting 15:
J.A. CHAMBERLAIN, JR., R.B. Chamberlain & S.W. Pillsbury. Cephalopod septal strength index is not an index of cephalopod septal strength. Geol. Soc. Amer. Abstr. with Program Annu. Meeting 15:
J.A. CHAMBERLAIN, JR. & R.B. Chamberlain. Septal fracture in Nautilus: implications for cephalopod paleobathymetry. Geol. Soc. Amer., Abstr. with Program, Annu. Meeting 17:
J.A. CHAMBERLAIN, JR. Fluid transport properties of Nautilus siphuncular tube: within-camera distribution of flow. Geol. Soc. Amer., Abstr. with Program Annu. Meeting 17:
J.A. CHAMBERLAIN, JR. Adaptive significance of the siphuncular tube in Nautilus and fossil cephalopods. Abstr., 2nd Internat. Ceph. Symposium, Tubingen. pg. 95
J.A. CHAMBERLAIN, JR. Hydromechanics of Nautilus compared to other living cephalopods. Amer. Assoc. Advance. Sci., Abstr. 152nd National Meeting 86-5:35
J.A. CHAMBERLAIN, JR. Locomotion of Nautilus: adaptive design and limitations of a shelled cephalopod. Amer. Malacol. Union. 52nd Annu. Meeting, Abstr. and Program, Monterey, CA.
J.A. CHAMBERLAIN, JR. Jet propulsion vs undulation: why there aren't more cephalopods. Soc. Exp. Biol. Symposium, Ann. Meeting, Manchester, UK
J.A. CHAMBERLAIN, JR., M. Jordan & P. Cheung. Prototype deep water animal maintenance system.Amer. Assoc. Zoological Parks & Aquar., Annu. Meeting, Portland, OR
J.A. CHAMBERLAIN, JR. Cephalopod locomotor design and evolution: constraints of jet propulsion. Geol. Soc. Amer., Abstr. with Programs, Annu. Meeting 19:616
J.A. CHAMBERLAIN, JR. Why Nautilus isn't a squid: locomotor design and evolution of shelled cephalopods. Canadian Zool. Soc., "Jet Set" Symposium, Annu. Meeting, Halifax, NS
M. Jordan & J.A. CHAMBERLAIN, JR. Prototype deep water animal maintenance system: applications for exhibition and research. Internat. Assoc. Aquatic Animal Medicine. Annu. Meeting, Orlando, FL
E. Williams, J.A. CHAMBERLAIN, JR., Cadet, N. Guardala, M. Salasruiz. PIXE analysis of Ca/Sr ratios in Nautilus shell: 10th Conf., Accel. Indust. Res. Denton, TX
J.A. CHAMBERLAIN, JR. Cephalopod theoretical morphology: a new look at an old idea. Geol. Soc. Amer., Abstr. with Program Annu. Meeting, 21: