Brooklyn College
City University of New York

When you are at the Museum and confronted with the problem of measuring Tyrannosaurus, think carefully about how you will do this. The problem is that the specimen is located in the center of a display island to which you do not have access. The situation you will be faced with is diagramed to the right. The sketch is an overhead view of a mounted dinosaur showing it placed in the center of its protective island, from which Museum visitors are excluded. The problem is devising a means for making these measurements. This a problem because you have to make reasonably accurate measurements from points no closer to the specimen than the periphery of the island.

There are many ways of solving the problem. Below are links to two methods - triangulation and photoscanning. Examine both methods, and select one for use at the Museum. Practice it before going to the Museum, and then use it to make your measurements when you are at the Museum. You will also need to devise a means of determining the distance between yourself and the tyrannosaur specimen (target distance). Methods for doing this can be obtained by clicking on the "Target Distance" button below.