Authors: David Seidemann and David Leveson

Edited for the web: Guillermo Rocha


The Earth's atmosphere contains a small concentration of carbon dioxide gas (CO2). Carbon dioxide, because it absorbs heat efficiently, plays a significant role in determining the temperature of the Earth's surface. For example, an atmosphere without CO2 would be too cold to sustain human life.

Over the past several hundred years, humans have increased activities that create CO2: as a result, its concentration in the atmosphere has increased significantly during that time. The increased burning of fossil fuels (e.g., coal, oil, and natural gas) and increased deforestation are the main reasons for this increase.

As CO2 builds up in the atmosphere, the surface temperature of the Earth will increase. The extent to which the Earth will warm is not easy to predict, but if that warming is significant, we will likely see major changes in our environment.


The Possible Consequences of Enhanced Warming

The Uncertainties

The Exercise


©David Seidemann and David Leveson - Brooklyn College - Earth and ENvironmental Sciences