THE HYPOTHESIS: One or more of the major landforms in the NYC region are due to deposition.

Introduction: If the hypothesis is correct for any of the major landforms of the NY City region, then certain predictions may be made. In general, it may be anticipated that a depositional landform will be composed of loose material. But loose material may be present for other reasons. For example, rock that is exposed at or near the surface of the earth tends, over time, to be broken down into loose material due to the action of 'weathering' processes.

 Click on the blue button to see an example of weathering in action.

Therefore, to establish that a landform is the result of deposition, not only must it be composed of loose material, but it must also display special features indicative of the past action of one or more particular depositional agents, such as streams, glaciers or landslides.

Prediction: It may be predicted that one or more landforms will be found that will display special features indicative of the past action of specific depositional agents. If this prediction is fulfilled, then the hypothesis is supported and strengthened. If the prediction is not bourne out, then the hypothesis is contradicted and weakened.

David J. Leveson