A Likely There is excellent correlation of the Erosion Resistance Index with elevation. High areas are underlain by resistant materials; low areas by less resistant.
B Likely The landform is underlain by loose material consistent with that deposited by landslides.
C Likely The land surface is parallel to the layers.
D Likely The land surface is not parallel to the underlying layers.
E Likely Low areas are underlain by resistant material; high areas by less resistant material.
F Likely The landform is underlain by loose material consistent with that deposited by ice.
G Likely The landform is underlain by well-sorted layers of loose material.
H Unlikely The landforms are underlain by bedrock, not loose material.
I Unlikely There is no correlation between the Erosion-Resistance Index and elevation.
J Unlikely There is good correlation between the Erosion-Resistance Index and elevation.
K Unlikely The landform is underlain by loose material, not bedrock.
L Unlikely There is no parallelism between the land surface and the layers.
M Unlikely The landform is underlain by material consistent with that deposited by ice.
N No Evidence The higher areas are covered by loose material; the lower areas are underlain by bedrock.
O No Evidence Because there are no layers, parallelism between the land surface and the underlying layers cannot be tested.
P No Evidence The land surface is not quite parallel to underlying layers.

David J. Leveson