a. The number is positive so its a NORTH latitude. So 40.6530190° is 40.6530190° N. | e. Multiply the remaining 0.18114' by 60 to get the number of seconds: 0.18114 x 60 = 10.8684 seconds (10.8684"). |
b. Break up the 40.6530190° into 40° + 0.6530190°. So the number of whole degrees is 40°. |
f. Round off to the nearest whole number of seconds: 10.8684 seconds becomes 11 seconds. (If you've forgotten how to round off numbers, go to the Toolbox Menu and click on Rounding Off Numbers.) |
c. Multiply the remaining 0.6530190° by 60 to get the number of minutes: 0.6530190 x 60 = 39.18114 minutes (39.18114'). | g. So, the latitude is 40& 39' 11". And as we said, since it is a positive number, the latitude is a NORTH latitude. |
d. Break up the 39.18114' into 39' + 0.18114'. So the number of whole minutes is 39'. | h. So the final answer for the latitude is 40° 39' 11" N." |
"Now let's do the longitude (-73.9659271°)! We work the same way: |
a. The number is negative so the latitude is WEST. So -73.96599271° = 73.96599271° W. | e. Multiply the remaining 0.959562' by 60 to get the number of seconds: 0.959562 x 60 = 57.57372 seconds (57.57372"). |
b. Break up the 73.96599271° into 73° + 0.96599271°. So the whole number of degrees is 73°. | f. Round off to the nearest whole number of seconds: 57.57372 seconds becomes 58 seconds. (If you've forgotten how to round off numbers, go to the Toolbox Menu and click on Rounding Off Numbers.) |
c. Multiply the remaining 0.96599271° by 60 to get the number of minutes: 0.96599271 x 60 = 57.959562 minutes (57.959562'). | g. So, the longitude is 73° 57' 58". And since the longitude was originally given as negative, we know it is a WEST longitude. |
d. Break up the 57.959562' into 57' + 0.959562'. So the whole number of minutes is 57'. | h. So the final answer for the longitude is 73° 57' 58" W!" |
"So, my friend Lou, try out some conversions! Go do the quiz!" |
© 2000 David J. Leveson