1. How can direction be determined without a compass or any other artificial device?

2. Explain the difference between 'height' and 'elevation'.

3. Why is determining sea level not a simple procedure?

4. What are the advantages of choosing a large contour interval as opposed to a small contour interval?

5. Explain why, on many contour maps, there are some contours whose elevations cannot be determined unambiguously.

6. On a contour map, what does it mean if two or more contours merge?

7. Refer to Figures 3 and 4. Assume the length of the scale bar is 25 miles, the contour interval is 50 feet, and the elevation of point Q is 728 feet.


                FIGURE 4

  1. In what general compass direction is the stream flowing?

    It is flowing towards the _______

  2. What it is the straight-line distance between points R and T?

    ________ miles

  3. What is the distance along the stream between points R and T?


  4. What is the average gradient of the stream between points R and T?

    ________ ft/mile

  5. What is the elevation of contour f?

    ________ feet.

  6. What is the difference in elevation between contour d and contour k?

    ________ feet.

  7. What is the azimuth direction going from point R to point Q?

    ________ degrees

8. Refer to Figure 5 below.


Identify locations by use of the grid intersections. For example, point Q is closest to grid intersection K-5.

For each of the following descriptions, choose the location of the best example.

  1. The top of a hill located within a depression is located at:


  2. The northwest end of a valley located between two parallel ridges is located at:


9. Refer to Figure 6, below.
  1. Which two NYC boroughs are represented on the map shown in Figure 6?
  2. In general terms, briefly describe the topography of each of the two boroughs.


David J. Leveson