1. A blank map of the NYC region is shown above.

  1. On the map, indicate with a dot pattern where, within the five boroughs of NYC, bedrock is either at the surface or just beneath the surface of the land.

  2. On the map, indicate with a series of parallel lines the area where a series of parallel ridges and valleys would be found.

  3. One investigator proposes the hypothesis that the parallel ridges and valleys are the result of a landslide. Make a prediction as to what you would find if you were to examine the region that would be a good test of the hypothesis.

    I predict that I would find: _________________________________________________________________

  4. If the area were examined, would the prediction be fulfilled?


    In the space below, justify your answer in terms of the real geology of the region. Be as specific as possible.

  5. Another investigator agrees that the parallel ridges and valleys are the result of a landslide. As a test of the hypothesis, the investigator predicts that loose material will be found directly underneath the surface of the land. In the space below, explain why this prediction is not a strong test of the hypothesis.

  6. Yet another investigator agrees that the parallel ridges and valleys are the result of a landslide. Asked to make a prediction that will test the hypothesis, the investigator states that landslides are often triggered by earthquakes. Is the investigator's statement a useful test of the hypothesis?


    Explain your answer in the space below.

2. Refer to the table below.

2. Lou, Lulu and their friend Drew are intrigued by a photo of a conical mountain rising from a flat plain.
The Photo
Lou suggests that the hill is a volcano, and predicts that if they look at a contour map, they will see a depression at the top of the hill.

Lulu suggests it a place where people have dumped the waste material from a nearby quarry. She predicts a map will show a depression caused by people digging for something valuable.

Drew suggests that the hill is all that remains of a once much more extensive high, flat area, much of which has been removed by erosion. She predicts that the map will show a nearby plateau that rises to the same elevation as the top of the hill.

The actual map is shown to the right.

Evaluate each of the three hypotheses as 'likely', 'unlikely', or uncertain due to 'no evidence'. Explain your evaluations.

3. In trying to solve a crime, detectives often claim that they use a 'scientific method'. Explain what they mean. Are they correct that their approach is 'scientific'?

4. What depositional agents are likely to form well-sorted deposits?

5. How may ordinary stream deposits be distinguished from glacial meltwater deposits?

David J. Leveson