I've followed the suggestion that I print out all the forms and worksheets. I've noticed however, that some seems to be missing. For example, there's no Q-10 or Q-11. What should I do? Not to worry. They're not missing. There are gaps in the numbering sequence. Just print all the ones listed; there are no others.
I'm interested in learning more about 'proof' in science. Can you suggest something for me to read? I've found two books by Alan Chalmers to be particularly helpful:
  • Chalmers, A. F., 1982, What is this thing called science? Second edition: Univ. Queensland Press, 179p.
  • Chalmers, Alan, 1990, Science and its fabrication: U. Minnesota Press, 142p.
I'm interested in learning more about 'proof' in geology. Can you suggest a book for me to read? Three serious books are:
  • Kitts, David B., 1977, The Structure of Geology: Southern Methodist University Press, 180p.
  • Schumm, Stanley A., 1991, To interpret the earth, ten ways to be wrong: Cambridge U. P., 133p.
  • von Engelhardt, Wolf and Jorg Zimmerman, 1988, Theory of earth science: Cambridge U. P., 381p
© 2004, David J. Leveson