This list of 'keywords' is intended to help you study for exams. Please note, however, that most of the questions on exams in this course are designed to test your understanding of and ability to apply concepts, not your ability to define words. However, being familiar with the meanings of these terms will help you understand the language used in exam questions. Also, a review of these terms may serve as a mental checklist of topics covered.


rock, mineral, glass, crystal, amorphous, crystalline (2 meanings), unit cell, space lattice, intergrowth, bonding, solvent, solute, solution, crystallization, interlocking grains, cement, cementation, igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic, magma, intrusive, lava, extrusive, volcanic, mineralized fluid, fact, hypothesis, theory, magma chamber, vesicle, vesicular, lava flow, volcanic ash, precipitate, interstices, interstitial, evaporite, cross-section, water table, saturated zone, lithification, lithified, groundwater, sediment, overgrowths, mineralogy, texture, structure, discontinuity, the'field', field relationships, mineral family, mineral assemblage, mechanical and chemical weathering, crystalline texture, clastic, oriented, angularity, selective growth, primary structure, secondary structure, plateau, crater, volcanic cone, frost shattering, alteration, sedimentary grain vs. mineral grain, weld, ripple marks, mudcracks, sand dune, crossbedding, joint, columnar jointing, floodplain, folding, faulting, shale, slate, slaty cleavage, brittle, plastic, tight fold, cross-cutting, lateral pressure, flaky grain, feeder pipe, sill, inclusion, plate tectonics, relative age, absolute age, Law of Superposition, Law of Cross-Cutting Relationships, Law of Original Horizontality, Law of Inclusions, Law of Biotal Succession, Doctrine of Uniformitarianism, unconformity, outcrop, bedrock, geologic range, fossil, fossil assemblage, correlation, pattern match, varve, radiometric dating, half-life, parent and daughter elements, geochronologist, archeologist, paleontologist, geologist, bracketing, gap effect, fossil record

© 2005, David J. Leveson