In this exercise, you will be provided with a 'data base' that provides information as to the actual bedrock geology of Manhattan, the Bronx, and adjacent New Jersey. This information is supplied in the form of a partially completed 'rollover' map that, as you move the cursor over it, shows the geologic material present in each area, in a fashion similar to the 'rollovers' in the two 'Practice Making A Map' exercises. When you click on 'radio buttons' located directly beneath the 'rollover', four slightly different, fully completed bedrock geology maps of the area being investigated will appear one at a time in a 'map window'. Only one of the four maps is correct. Your task will be to determine which of the four maps is correct. To make your decision, you will compare the bedrock geology shown on each of the four maps to the actual distribution of geologic materials as shown on the 'rollover'.