Are there any minerals found in metamorphic rocks that are not found in igneous rocks?You'll find the answer here:
Are there any minerals found in metamorphic rocks that are also found in igneous rocks?You'll find the answer here:
According to the Igneous Mineral Assemblages Chart, there are no igneous rocks made up of just one mineral. Are there any metamorphic rocks composed of only one mineral? (Yes/No) Are there any sedimentary rocks composed of only one mineral? (Yes/No):You'll find the answers here:
Are there any minerals found in metamorphic rocks that not are found in sedimentary rocks?HINT: Can all metamorphic rocks be possible sources of material to make fragmental sediment? You'll find the answer here:
Are there any minerals found in metamorphic rocks that are also found in sedimentary rocks? You'll find the answer here:
What is your conclusion as to whether the mineralogy of a rock may be used to identify a rock as metamorphic?HINT: Do all metamorphic rocks contain a mineral or minerals not found in any igneous or sedimentary rocks? Are there some metamorphic rocks that contain a mineral or minerals not found in any igneous or sedimentary rock?

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