INSTRUCTIONS: In the table below, enter the numerical values that you have calculated.

For Site 3, right now areas less than what elevation (to the nearest tenth of a foot) would be inundated by a 100-year flood?:- .....Correct?
On the basis of the above information, indicate which organization (NASA-Goddard or ACE) predicts more damaging consequences if a 100-year flood took place tomorrow. If your answer is NASA-Goddard, place the capital letter A in the box. If your answer is ACE, place the capital letter B in the box. :- .....Correct?
Assume that by the 2080s, sea level rises by nearly 3.6 feet. By how many feet (to the nearest tenth of as foot) would a storm surge have to raise the level of the water to flood areas that today are less than 10 feet in elevation?:- .....Correct?
At Site 3 in Manhattan, what is the percent chance annually for such a storm surge? :- .....Correct?
What is the recurrence interval (to the nearest tenth of a year) for such a storm surge?:- .....Correct?
On the basis of the above information, for the frequency of flooding for areas that today are less than 10 feet above sea level, how do estimates of hazard in the 2080s made by the Army Corps of Engineers compare with estimates of hazard in the 2080s made by NASA-Goddard? If you answer is 'About the same', place the capital letter A in the box. If you answer is 'Much greater', put the capital letter B in the box. If your answer is 'Lesser', put the capital letter C in the box. ('About the same' means from about one-third to three times the value.):- .....Correct?


David J. Leveson