Below you will find a 'self-description' and statements about global warming taken from the Sierra Club website as it appeared on June 24, 2003. Sources (URL addresses) are provided at the start of each section. You are urged to visit the current website to see whether or not the organization's views have changed.

Self Description


"The Sierra Club's members are 700,000 of your friends and neighbors. Inspired by nature, we work together to protect our communities and the planet. The Club is America's oldest, largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization."


"The human race is engaged in the largest and most dangerous experiment in history - an experiment to see what will happen to our health and the health of our planet when we change our atmosphere and our climate. This is not some deliberate scientific inquiry. It is an uncontrolled experiment on the environment of the Earth, and we're gambling our children's future on its outcome. The results of this pollution are already significant. We have increased levels of carbon dioxide (CO2), the primary global warming gas, in our atmosphere by 30 percent in the past 100 years. Some regions of the world have already warmed by as much as 5 degrees Fahrenheit. Physicians at Harvard University and Johns Hopkins medical schools and other medical institutions have issued grim assessments that global warming may already be causing the spread of infectious diseases and increasing heat-wave deaths. Extreme weather events have become more common. Plants and animals around the world are shifting their ranges in an effort to escape a changing climate.

The rapid buildup of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere is the source of the problem. By burning ever-increasing quantities of coal, oil and gas, we are choking our planet in a cloud of this pollution. If we don’t begin to act now to curb global warming, our children will live in a world where the climate will be far less hospitable than it is today."


"The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has concluded by consensus that 'increasing concentrations of anthropogenic greenhouse gases have contributed substantially to the observed warming over the last 50 years.' Like the tobacco industry, the corporations that produce carbon dioxide pollution are seeking to deny the truth. Rather than admit that our increasing dependence on coal, oil, and natural gas is altering our climate, those who produce these fuels, along with the powerful auto industry, are spending millions of dollars in an effort to discredit the IPCC and global warming. Claiming that global warming is nothing more than an 'alarmist' hoax, they have set out to buy the kind of 'science' they want. Their efforts have not succeeded in fooling the American people, but some powerful lawmakers are listening to these industry-funded "climate experts.'"


"Some events that scientists point to as evidence that Global Warming has begun:

  • More common and severe winter floods and summer droughts.
  • More frequent and brutal storms."


"Curbing the Global Warming Threat
The good news is that we can slow and eventually stop global warming, but we must act today. The most important step we can take to curb global warming is to improve our nation's energy efficiency. Our cars and light trucks, home appliances and power plants could be made much more efficient by simply installing the best current technology. Energy efficiency is the cleanest, safest, most economical way to begin to curb global warming."