1. An increase in the temperature of the lower atmosphere and the surface of the earth ("global warming") is occurring. Is the increase in T an accepted 'fact'?

2. The 'Greenhouse Effect' plays a major role in maintaining the temperature of the lower atmosphere and the surface of the earth. Is it accepted that there is a causal relationship between the 'Greenhouse Effect' and temperature?

3. The intensity of the 'Greenhouse Effect' is importantly controlled by the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. The total CO2 content equals natural CO2 plus 'anthropogenic' CO2 (CO2 produced by people's activities). Is it accepted that there is a causal relationship between total atmospheric CO2 content and the Greenhouse Effect?

4. The total amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has greatly increased since the start of the Industrial Revolution, roughly 200 years ago, at the time when people began burning fuels in ever-increasing quantities and deforestation accelerated. Is it accepted that in the last 200 years: (a) total CO2 content has greatly increased? (b) burning of fuels and deforestation have greatly increased?

5. The burning of fuels (wood, coal, oil, natural gas and gasoline) and the cutting down of forests produces (anthropogenic) carbon dioxide, thus increasing the total CO2 content of the atmosphere. Is the causal relationship between increased burning of fuels and deforestation, increased anthropogenic CO2, and increased total CO2 accepted?

6. As the total carbon dioxide has increased, the temperature of the atmosphere has increased. Is it accepted that increases in total atmospheric CO2 and temperature have occurred over the same time period?

7. The increase in temperature has been caused by an increase in the intensity of the 'Greenhouse Effect' which, in turn, has been largely due to the increase in total carbon dioxide. Are the causal connections between increases in total CO2, intensity of the Greenhouse Effect, and temperature accepted?

8. The increase in total carbon dioxide has coincided with an increase in anthropogenic carbon dioxide. Is it accepted that the increase in total CO2 has coincided with the increase in anthropogenic CO2?

9. THUS THE HYPOTHESIS: People's activities are a major cause of global warming. Is the chain of causal relationships between an increase in anthropogenic CO2, total CO2, intensity of the Greenhouse Effect, and atmospheric temperature accepted?

David J. Leveson