Department of Geology

Geol 608T           Summer 2004




Prof. Nehru E. Cherukupalli            First Class meets on July 7, 2004

Office Room 3129N             M thru Th: 5:00 - 8:10 PM

Class Room 4239N                                                  *Last class meeting July 29, 2004

Office Tel: (718) 951-4365                                      e-mail:

Residence Tel: (516) 938-8727                                     


Text Book: Earth Science by Tarbuck and Lutgens 10th Edition; Prentice Hall – Available in Book Store

Laboratory Manual: Earth Science II - Laboratory Manual – Available in class for purchase 

Click on this link to have access to the text book web resources. (Chapters objectives, outlines, summaries, tests and web resources)

Click on Earth Science 10th Edition (icon) and then to go to each respective chapter click on the JUMP TO arrow down (to left of the Home link)




Class Outline


Topic to be covered                                                                            Reading from Text


  1. Review – materials of the earth; rock cycle                                 Chapters 1 and 2
  2. Weathering and Mass Wasting                                                    Chapter  3
  3. Running Water and Ground Water                                               Chapter   4
  4. Glaciers, deserts and wind                                                              Chapter   5
  5. Ocean waves                                                                                     Parts of Chapters 12, 13 and 14


Midterm Examination: Tentative date - July19, 2004 (Monday) – Class time


6.        Structures of the Earth: folds, faults and unconformities    Parts of Chapters 7 and 9

7.     Geologic Time: Relative and Absolute                       Chapter 10

8.         Evolution and Earth history                                     Chapter 11



Final Examination: Tentative date - July 29, 2004 (Thursday)


*Laboratory work will include a trip to the American Museum of Natural History, New York

       *Date to be announced.