
Interference Colors             

Describe the Interference Colors

Study the sample in the rollover above. Then choose the description below that most accurately describes the sample.

This sample contains grains of only one type of mineral that exhibits maximum interference colors of first-order gray 
This sample contains grains of only one type of mineral that exhibits maximum interference colors of second-order pink 
This sample contains grains of only one type of mineral that exhibits maximum interference colors of third-order pink 
This sample contains grains of only one type of mineral that exhibits maximum interference colors of fourth or fifth-order green 

BIREFRINGENCE is best described by which of the following statements?

Birefringence is the difference between the maximum index of refraction and minimum index of refraction within a mineral grain. 
Birefringence is the difference between the maximum speed of light and minimum speed of light within a mineral grain. 
Birefringence is the difference in distance traveled by the fast and slow light rays within a mineral grain. 
Birefringence is the color that results from the adding of both the fast and slow rays when they are resolved by the analyzer . 

If upon passing through a mineral light experiences retardation of 7000 Angstroms (the wavelength of red light), then when the light is resolved at the analyzer we will see...

Intense RED light 

Weak RED light 

Intense BLUE light 

BLACK (No light at all.) 

© 2001 Wayne G. Powell