Description of Investigation 2A:                   

PLM Properties of Building Materials               

The objective of this exercise is to become familiar with the optical properties of building materials, as well as the materials themselves.

By the end of the investigation you should be able to:


Determine the optical properties of an unknown material


Determine the identity of an unknown material based on its optical properties



1. Familiarize yourself with the optical properties described within the pages linked from the "PLM Fundamentals" Page
2. Self-check your ability to determine the various optical properties by confirming the properties of CHRYSOTILE

To access the printable property sheet for CHRYSOTILE...    


Identify three unknown materials based on their tabulated optical properties. The three materials that you are responsible for depend upon your SSN.

If your SSN ends in 0, 1, 2 or 3...    

If your SSN ends in 4, 5 or 6...       

If your SSN ends in 7, 8 or 9...       


Print out three general ID forms from the next page. Based upon your SSN, determine the optical properties for your three assigned materials, and complete your ID forms. Your three assigned materials are defined below:

If your SSN ends in 0, 1 or 2, do:  Amosite, Cellulose, Gypsum     

If your SSN ends in 3 or 4, do:  Amosite. Synthetic, Quartz       

If your SSN ends in 5 or 6, do: Amosite, Cellulose, Quartz          

If your SSN ends in 7, 8 or 9, do: Amosite, Synthetic, Gypsum     


To Proceed to Investigation 2A...

© 2001 Wayne G. Powell