Instructions for the Use of the Petrographics Standards Table

ID forms for the unknown minerals can be printed by clicking on the "Printer Ready ID Forms" button and printing copies of the chart. 

Select one of your assigned minerals or other building materials from the "Fiber or Grain Type" list at the top-right.

Vary  the set-up of the microscope by setting the variables (immersion oil, analyzer, gypsum plate, stage rotation) in the tables on the right hand side. 

Systematically determine the properties of the various materials and compile your results in the tables that you printed.

This exercise is open in a separate page. You can move back and forth easily  between this exercise and the content pages if you need to review concepts.

If you are uncertain on how to determine a particular petrographic characteristic, then return to the "PLM Homepage" and proceed to the link to the description of the particular trait with which you are experiencing problems. 

During later exercises you can return to this "Petrographic Standards" page to refresh your memory of the characteristics of these common materials, or to help verify particular identifications that you make.