Class time/location:    Tuesdays 6:20 – 8:00 p.m.

                                 Room 4145N      


Course co-requisites: HNS 722.1X - Fieldwork in Dietetic Practice I.


Professor:           Roseanne Schnoll, Ph.D., R.D., C.D.N.


Contact info:       Website:  http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/health/rschnoll                                      

Email:                 rschnoll@brooklyn.cuny.edu

Phone:                718.951.5000 ext 2745


Office hours:       Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:45-6:15 PM

                          4212 (A) Ingersoll Hall                               

Course Description:


Concepts and methods essential to the work of a practicing nutritionist. Nutritional assessment, counseling, evaluation, management, instruction, organization and health promotion techniques.


Course Objectives:


Upon completion of the seminar, student will be able:


  • To provide nutritional screening, assessments, monitoring, evaluation, nutritional counseling and education for patients with non-complicated and complicated medical conditions.
  • Perform nutritional analysis using computer software
  • To participate in legislative issues relating to nutrition
  • Perform a basic physical assessment




Aug 28


Developing a Professional Portfolio


Sept.   4

Summation and Review*

Sept.   11

RD practice examination


Sept.   18

No Class (Friday schedule)

Sept.   25

RD practice examination con’t.

Preview of complementary and alternative medicine –what the nutritionist needs to know


Oct.    2


Oct.      9

Summation and Review*

Oct.    16

Private Practice Issues, Maria Pari-Keener, MS RD CDN CPT-NASM

Maternal Health Matters: Nutrition and Fitness for Moms and Moms-to-be


Oct.    23

Nutritional Bowel Management in the Elderly, Beth Beller., MS, RD 


Oct.    30

Nutraceuticals for Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease: an integrated approach: Professor Brian Tanzer.


Nov.     6

Multiskilling tools with Jacob Gerlitz, M.Sci, L.Ac, RN

Class will meet in the physiology lab in room 4200N

Submit Case Study Topic


Nov.     13

Summation and Review


Nov.    20

No Class (Thursday schedule)

Nov.    27

Computerized Nutritional Analysis, Food Processor. Please bring menus to analyze and a blank

3 ½ inch Disk.

Dec.      4


Case study presentations


Dec.     11


Case study presentations

Dec.     18

Final Examination (Summation and Review*)

Students are required to become members of the American Dietetic Association.


Students are required to:

  • Attend all scheduled seminar classes.
  • Submit completed assignments.
  • Present an in depth case study.

Grade Distribution:

Assignments ……............60%

In-depth case study……. 30%

Class Attendance……… 10%



*summation and review: DI Director meets privately with all DI interns during seminar class.


Schnoll, R. (2006). Brooklyn College Dietetic Internship Course Manual 2006-2007, Far Better Printing and Copy Center, 43 Hillel Place, Brooklyn, NY 11210, (718) 859-3137. Store hours: M,T,Th 8am-7pm. W,F 8am-6pm.


Mahan, L.K., and Escott-Stump, S. (2003).  Krause’s Food, Nutrition, & Diet Therapy (11th ed.). Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company.


*Drug-Nutrient Resource, (5th ed.). (2003). Riverside, IL: Roche Dietitians.


*Nutrition Intervention and Care Planning (3rd ed.). Riverside, IL: Roche Dietitians.


Recommended Readings

Any medical dictionary, for example:

Anderson, K. N. (2002).  Mosby’s Medical, Nursing, and Allied Health Dictionary  (6th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby.



 Alpers, D. H., Stenson, W. F., & Bier, D. M. (2002).  Manual of Nutritional Therapeutics (4th ed.).  Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.


Bauer, K, & Sokolik, C.  (2002). Basic Nutrition Counseling Skill Development. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth

Diet Manual, (3rd ed.). Riverside, IL: Roche Dietitians.


Kuhn, M. (2005). Quick Pocket and Laboratory Reference (3rd ed.). Hamburg, New York: Education Services.


Nutrition Intervention and Care Planning (3rd ed.). Riverside, IL: Roche Dietitians.



* can be purchased at  http://www.rochedietitians.com/