Department of Health and Nutrition Sciences

                                                    58.1 Community Health Service



Course Objectives

·                    To experience the expectations of health professionals in work settings

·                    To apply classroom lessons to in vivo setting 

·                    To demonstrate an understanding of overall goals and objectives of their placement agency


At the end of this course, the student will be able to present to the class:


·                    The mission, vision, and value of their placement agency

·                    The methods and services of their placement agency

·                    The effective use of supervision

·                    Ethics and legal issues in health settings

·                    The importance of documentation

·                    Safety issues


Major Requirements


Attendance.  Attendance, both in class and at the site, is essential if this course is to be a meaningful experience for you.  Attendance will be defined as arriving at the designated activity and remaining until the activity is completed.  Attendance will account for twenty-five percent of the course grade.


Participation. The methodology for class instruction will include lectures, structured and unstructured discussion, and role-playing. The site supervisor will determine site participation. Participating in the class and site activities will account for twenty-five percent of the course grade.


Paper.  Each student will be responsible for the development of a paper.  This document should be no longer than five pages in length with a minimum of ten references.  The topic of the paper is the practicum experience. The paper will account for twenty percent of the final grade


Presentation.  Each student will be responsible for delivering a PowerPoint presentation of his/her paper to the class.  The presentation will be no longer than 20 minutes, include all sections of the paper, and utilize visual aides to facilitate audience attention.  The paper will account for fifteen percent of the final grade


Journal.  Each student will be responsible for developing a journal of his or her practicum placement.  The journal should be used to: a) record experiences at your site; b) reflect on your experiences to better understand your emotional reactions, thoughts about the site, impressions of supervisor, staff and clients/participants; c) make notes about questions, ideas, or discoveries that you wish to discuss or study further. The journal will account for fifteen percent of the final grade