Topic 8
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Topic 8: Visions of National Power and Destiny

1. World Wars


·         Marty: chap. 16 (361-371) World War I and the Dream of One Kingdom

o        Wilson, Bryan & effects of the war on their Progressive vision

·         Cherry: Part 6: American Destiny and World Wars

o        Msg. Thomas on Patriotism - a RC priest preaches on the war

o        Wilson presents the Peace Treaty

o        FDR's Annual Message, 1942

o        Reinhold Niebuhr's thoughts on Anglo-Saxon Destiny

·         Marty, chap. 17, Conflicts, 1920s & 1930s: Disillusionment and Controversy

2. Religious Renewal for a Super Power


·         Marty: chap. 18 - American Ways of Life (WW II, 1950s, Consensus)

o        Dwight Eisenhower

o        John Dewey

o        Cardinal Spellman

o        Billy Graham

o        Reinhold Niebuhr

o        Will Herberg

·         Cherry, Part 7 (301-308) International Power and Its Limits

o        John Foster Dulles (320-327)Freedom's New Task, 1956

o        Senator Fulbright (328-342)The Arrogance of Power, 1966