Using Caucus

HOW TO USE CAUCUS [adapted from Prof. John Blamire's Science at a Distance site]

Go to where you enter your URLs on your web browser,
and enter the URL:

or Go To Caucus from here. [you will also find a link to Caucus on the Forum page of the course web site.

When you get to the Caucus home page, follow the instructions below.

First Time Users

What you see

What you do

Log-in Page Step 1: Click on self-register
User ID Registration Page Step 2: Carefully type in your User ID (choose any word you wish, but be sure to note it somewhere to remember it.)

Step 3: Type in a password that only you know (also write it down just in case you forget).

Step 4: Type in the password again in the "Password Confirmation" box.

Step 5: Click on the Hit this bar when done box.

Confirm ID Page Step 6: Re-enter your secret password, and

Step 7: Click on Confirm Password when done.

Personal Information Page Step 8: Necessary information: Enter your full name and your E-mail address.; the other information is optional. You may not want to give your telephone number, for example, for reasons of privacy. 

But be sure to write a sentence of two about yourself, such as your major, career plans etc.

Step 9: Click on Go to Caucus Center

BC Caucus Center Page Step 10: Click on #3 A list of all conferences
List All Conferences Page Step 11: Click on Jesu_S01 for Jesus and the Christian Tradition.
C4gerardi Page
[or Hist19rel19 Page]
Step 12: Click on YES - add this to my personal list
C4gerardi [or Hist19rel19] You have finished registering for the first time

Users Who Have Registered Before

What you see

What you do

Log-in Page Step 1: Click on Caucus Center
User ID Registration Page Step 2: Carefully type in your User ID 

Step 3: Type in your password.

Step 4: Type in the password again in the "Password Confirmation" box.

Step 5: Click on the Hit this bar when done box.

Confirm ID Page Step 6: Re-enter your secret password, and

Step 7: Click on Confirm Password when done.

BC Caucus Center Page Step 8: Click on the course conference from your personal list. 


The course conference page. Step 9: Look at the list of items to find new items or new postings. After you read new material you may add your responses or other ideas by:

Typing the text box, or

Cutting and pasting  text from a word processor, or

Clicking  on the Upload a file box, and follow instructions for uploading a file from your floppy disk.

Step 10: When you are finished, click Post + View to preview what you have just done.

Step 11: If you are satisfied with what you see, you can quit Caucus by clicking on Quit at the top of the page to exit from the Caucus site. 

Step 12: If you are not satisfied with your text and want to change something, click on the Edit button (next to your response). Make your changes and Quit the Caucus site when you are ready.

*** Important *** Always "Quit" from the Caucus site and "Quit" your web browser at the end of your session on a campus computer used by other people. This is so no one else can visit the Caucus site using your name.