History 308


October 30, 2006


I. To the Good Neighbor Policy

1. The GOP Reign Ends (Nicaragua and the anti-imperialist moment; Hoover and foreign policy)

2. Competing Strands of Internationalism (Hull and economic internationalism; Welles: from non-intervention to non-interference)

            3. Gruening and Failure of Anti-Imperialism (Gruening and Dominican policy; PRRA as model)


II. The Reemergence of Realpolitik

            1. The New International Environment (Europe: rise of Hitler, collapse of League of Nations system—Hoare-Laval Pact; collapse of Versailles—remilitarizing Rhineland; Berlin Olympics and anti-Jewish laws; Spanish civil war; Asia: rise of militarist Japan; Manchurian incident; invasion of China proper and Nanking incident; quarantine speech; FDR domestic difficulties)

            2. Hemispheric Strategic Threats (Brazil: the collapse of the First Republic and the emergence of Vargas; Green Shirts and local fascism; Vargas and German foreign economic policy; balance between domestic and international goals; Mexico: Calles, Cárdenas, and Mexican nationalism; Article 27 and the oil industry; nationalization; splits within the administration—Hull, Daniels, Morganthau; Argentina: emigration patterns, local instability, German foreign policy)


III. World War II

            1. Transforming the Good Neighbor Policy (from vagueness to precision—casting aside Hull and Gruening, emergence Welles; Declarations of Lima, Panama, and Havana; US uniting hemisphere?)

            2. The Promises (economic aid; military assistance; greater internationalism—OAS and origins of Chapultepec conference; tensions of alliance)


IV. The Dilemmas of War

            1. Nonintervention (US and southern cone; desire for hemispheric unity; Chilean situation; US and Argentina; what was Argentina’s foreign policy?; emergence of Perón; Braden and Blue Book; Argentine nationalism)

            2. Dictators (Atlantic Charter and Allied war aims; democratic rights and US wartime rhetoric; weakening dictators—Guatemala, Cuba; broadening democracy—Ecuador, Chile, and Popular Front governments; collapse of Vargas regime)