Midterm Prep


Part One.


The ten identifications (of which you’ll have to do seven) for Wednesday’s exam will come from the following list. A successful identification should be roughly four sentences long. The first sentence will do the identifying; the other three sentences will explain the significance. Each ID is worth seven points, so you have to do more than simply identify the item.


Family Assistance Program

Jim Crow laws

Zablocki v. Redhail

Tinker v. Des Moines

Griswold v. Connecticut


Leopold and Loeb

Hugo Black

Court-packing scheme

Whig Party


Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Jane Addams

Title VI

1964 Civil Rights Act

Exclusionary rule

Miss. Freedom Democrats

Horace Mann

Bailey v. Drexel Furniture


Sacco and Vanzetti case

Ross Barnett

Potter Stewart

Engel v. Vitale

Scopes trial

Title I

Meyer v. Nebraska

William O. Douglas

Al Smith



Brandeis Brief

In re Gault


Felix Frankfurter


Milliken v. Bradley

Loving v. Virginia

Morrill Act


Part Two.


Both of these essays will appear on the exam; you’ll have to do one. A good answer will present an argument that answers the question and use material from both the reading (books, documents, or both) plus the lectures.


1.)    To what extent did a consistent approach exist regarding the federal government’s response to issues affecting children and youth? Compare and contrast the Progressive Era, New Deal, and 1960s. Your answer should use material from both the reading (books, documents, or both) plus the lectures.


2.)    Did the Supreme Court articulate a consistent policy with regard to youth and children’s issues between 1920 and 1975? Discuss, with reference to decisions affecting the public schools, free speech, and family law questions.