Final exam. You have TWO options for taking the test. Option one is FRIDAY, May 21, at 1pm, in Ingersoll Hall, Room 2127. Option two is June 1, at 3.30, in Scenic Whitehead 504.

The first part of the exam will consist of 12 cleverly chosen IDs from the following list, of which you'll have to do 10.

Mapp v. Ohio Bricker amendment Joseph Bristow
Sam Ervin Nye Committee G. Harrold Carswell
William O. Douglas Rules Committee A. Mitchell Palmer
Korematsu v. United States Arthur Goldberg Lake Mohonk conference
Federal Trade Commission Robert Drinan William Howard Taft
Muller v. Oregon Insular Cases Texas v. Lawrence
James Huston National Recovery Administration J. Arthur Garrity
Food and Drug Act Richard Russell Barbara Jordan
Espionage Act Joseph Robinson Anita Hill
Emmanuel Celler Engle v. Vitale Phyllis Schlafly
Wagner Act National Security Act Howard Smith
Saturday Night Massacre William Howard Taft Sandra Day O'Connor
Arlen Specter Clayton Act Louis Brandeis
Article X Southern Strategy Schenk v. United States
Casey v. Planned Parenthood NAACP Baker v. Carr
Missouri v. Gaines Bakke v. CA Regents Pat McCarran

The second part of the exam will require you to complete two essay questions, selecting one from each section:

Section One:

1.) To what extent was the Civil Rights Act of 1964 a turning point in American constitutional history? Compare and contrast the key constitutional issues and debate from the 20 years before the act with the key issues and debates of the 20 years that followed the act.

2.) Does the Supreme Court--as per the old saying--follow the election results, or does it more often rule according to established legal principles? Discuss with reference to three of the following periods--the 1930s, the 15 years after World War II, the 1960s, and the 1980s.

Section Two:

1.) In what ways has the Constitution maintained its integrity during wartime experience? Discuss, with reference to the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, the two world wars, and the Cold War.

2.) There have been three bursts of amendments in American history--the Bill of Rights, the Reconstruction period, and the Progressive Era. Compare and contrast the motives, ideological foundations, and effects of the three sets of amendments.

And, if the webmaster is in the mood, there may be some simple, easy-to-answer extra credit.