History 65


February 16, 2006



I. Kennedy and World Affairs


1.      Ideological Cold War (ideology and internal tensions)


2. Collapse of the Alliance (central Alliance goal: containing Castro or promoting democracy?; tension between economic and military aid)


            3. The Foreign Aid Revolt (Dominican coup; left-right alliances; presidential defeat)


II. The Foundations


            1. Establishing an Image (healer after tragedy; “let us continue”—passing the Kennedy legacy, with political benefits: tax bill, farm bill, civil rights bill; provisions: outlaw racial discrimination in public accommodations, give Justice Dept. authority to file suits for school desegregation in federal court, create EEOC; continued legislative obstacles; Kennedy legacy or Johnson triumph?)


            2. Potential Pitfalls (foreign policy—Panama and Cuba crises, contrast with Kennedy; ethics—“Landslide Lyndon,” personal wealth, Bobby Baker scandal, John Williams)


            3. The Republican Race (Goldwater and Rockefeller weaknesses; Nixon, Scranton bids; the emergence of Lodge; the threat of Lodge; Oregon and Lodge collapse; Goldwater nomination and 1964 convention; neutralizing Goldwater—nuclear weapons, Tonkin Gulf Resolution)


III. The Outcome

            1. The Frontlash Agenda (LBJ hopes and targeted constituencies; consolidating the civil rights base—MFDP controversy and 1964 Democratic convention; economics and how to tailor a Democratic agenda?; limitations of the frontlash approach)


            2. The Jenkins Scandal (polls and LBJ vulnerabilities; Baker/McCloskey affair; arrest and reaction—role of Fortas; continuing fears; election outcome—coattails and transformation of House; ideology and a hollow victory?)